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Chapter 8

Tamina woke up with her boyfriend's arm around her. She turned around, looking at Trevor who was sleeping soundly. She kissed him gently before getting out of her bed. She put on some shorts and Trevor's shirt. She grabbed her phone and walked downstairs. She texted with her daughters who were riding out their 2-week suspension with their dad. She got what she needed from the fridge and put on some music. She began cooking breakfast for Trevor and herself.

Trevor woke up to the smell of bacon, put on some sweats. He grabbed his phone and walked downstairs. He saw his girlfriend singing along with the songs playing from the speakers. He snuck up behind her and kissed her neck. "If you want to eat. Let me finish," said Tamina as she plated the last bit of food. She turned off the stove and put a skillet in the sink. "Woman, you are trying to make me gain weight," said Trevor as he looked at the plate in his hands. "No, I need to make sure you eat after working out," said Tamina. She winked at him, "Maybe I want to eat something else for breakfast" said Trevor as he put the plate down. He picked up Tamina and sat her on the counter. He kissed Tamina's neck, biting slightly. Trevor picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bed. Trevor slid Tamina's shirt and shorts off and kissed Tamina passionately.

He put on a condom then, he slid his dick into her. Trevor started to move in and out of her and Tamina moaned loudly with each stroke. "Mmm, fuck me. Shit," said Tamina in between moans. He started going faster, in and out of Tamina. Tamina moaned loudly as he sped up. Trevor grabbed her hips and pulled her into him. Tamina wrapped her legs around him. Tamina was moaning and begging Trevor to go harder and to not stop. She felt her pussy tighten over his dick and she yelled, "I'm cumming keep fucking me, yess yess." She arched her back as the intense pleasure rushed through her. With each thrust, she would rock forwards, moaning uncontrollably. Trevor fucked her harder and harder, and leaned forward, grabbing onto her tits. With one final pump, Tamina felt Trevor release inside her. Trevor was breathing heavily, still gripping tightly onto her hips. Pulling out he took off the condom and threw it away. As they calmed down, Trevor flopped onto the bed beside Tamina. They both laid there in silence apart from their frantic breathing. "That was amazing as always," said Tamina.

Tamina managed to get up, she started her shower and found her outfit of the day she was going on a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe with the Total Divas crew. They convince her to join the new season a week ago. She showered with Trevor and got downstairs. They ate their food that was now cold. Nia used her key and let herself in. She told the camera guy not to film, yet "hey Trevor, sign this" said Nia. she put a paper in front of him. "It is a release form, for the cameras to film. Since I am now a cast member. And you are always around me. You would be considered a guest." said Tamina. She grabbed a bottle of water and hugged Trevor. "It is also 10,000 a season," said Nia. Trevor signed the paper and Nia gave it to the producers. They started filming again, "Mina, we have a flight to catch. Let's go" said Nia. Tamina laughed and Trevor went get her bag for her. Tamina put her bag in the van and went back to her house, camera's following. "Bye, babe. I will be back next week after Smackdown. Mi casa es tu casa. Don't eat all my food and you eat all of something. You better replace it. I love you" said Tamina. "I love you too," said Trevor.

He wrapped his arms around Tamina's waist. Trevor was shirtless. They walked outside to the van. "Hey, Trevor," said all of the girls (Nikki, Brie, Paige, Trin, Lana). "Hello, ladies," said Trevor. Nia began explaining what would be happening for the rest of the day. Trevor kissed Tamina passionately, they ignored what Nia was saying. Until they heard someone clears their throat. Tamina broke the kiss and turned to the girls. "So sorry to separate everyone favorite couple, but we have a flight to catch," said Nia. Tamina kissed Trevor once more before getting on the van. "You guys are so cute," said Nikki. "Thank you. Where's Nattie" said Tamina. "She texted, saying she came down with something. So she'll come on the next trip," said Brie. "On a positive note, will we see brie mode on this trip," asked Paige. "I plan on it," said Brie. They finished the ride and caught their flight to Tahoe.

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