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Tamina looked at the time, it was 6. She didn't bother checking her phone, she just got in the shower. Her and Trevor got into this argument 2  weeks ago over why he was giving out his number and acting single when he was out. Tamina didn't mind at first but he was texting then back and having full conversations with other women that wasn't HER. He was liking pictures and all that shit. Tamina got out of the shower and got dressed in sweats. "Girls, lets go. You have to be at your grandmas by 6:30" said Tamina. Slowly, her daughters came downstairs and hot into the truck. "What took you guys so damn long" said Tamina. "Sorry couldn't find my phone,mom what's wrong" said Milaneta. "Trevor and I got into this big argument" said Tamina. She pulled into her moms driveway. She let herself in and saw her mom cooking. "Hey mom, it smells good in here" said Tamina. She kissed her mom on the cheek before grabbing a plate of food. "Sarona, be careful driving. I will see you tomorrow" said Sharon. "yes, mom. I will be careful" said Tamina. She hugged bye to her daughters and her mother. Before getting back on the road to her house. She got to her house to see her two favorite family members on her porch. "What do you want" said Tamina. "Damn, i see you and Trevor still aren't talking." said Trin. "We aren't because he want to act single" said Tamina as she fixed her a drink. "On a lighter note,we got get ready, the twin's party is tonight" said Lina. "You know your boyfriend is going to be there" said Trin. "Thanks for stating the obvious" said Tamina. She went to her closest and looked for something to where. After about a hour of looking she put together the perfect outfit. " Oh. Shit. This is hot" said Trin. "Since my boyfriend wants to be a fucking idiot and leave me. I might as well make him miss me" said Tamina. She got dressed,

Tamina straighten her hair and did her makeup as Lina and Trin got ready. Once everyone was ready it was 9:30. Tamina put on a leather jacket and grabbed her clutch. They took some pictures, before leaving. They were an hour late but district really care. They got to the parking lot of the club, Tamina put on her shoes and grabbed her clutch. She knew Trevor was here because Ember sent her a video of him dancing. She walked into the club and walked to Jimmy. She hugged him, "Happy Birthday Cuz"said Tamina. She sat down in the booth, not speaking to Trevor who was in the same booth as her. She looked at her phone,

Trin: That man is staring hard
Lina: I swear his eyes haven't left you since we walked in.
Tamina: Then I am doing something right.

"I'm going to go get a drink" said Tamina. Tamina walked to the bar, "I'll have..." got out Tamina before getting cut off. "She'll have a manhattan"said Trevor. He put his card on the table. Leaning over to the bar, "where are the rest of your clothes"whispered Trevor. "They don't exist"said Tamina. "Can we talk" asked Trevor.  "Last time I checked you were talking to other women. So you can talk to one of them" said Tamina as she finished off her drink and moved to Trin who was dancing with Nia. "You should dance with her" said Nia. Trin was already tipsy and was having fun. Tamina switched places with Nia. She saw Nia go meet Braun at the bar.

Trevor's POV

Trevor sat down with the guys in the booth. "What's up with you and Ro" asked Jey. "We had this argument over 2 weeks ago and she is refusing to talk to me" said Trevor.

2 hours later...

Tamina got up to use the restroom. She walked down this hallway. When she was pulled back. She saw Trevor, and he kissed her passionately. Giving in, Tamina kissed him back. Trevor pulled away, "How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry" said Trevor. "If that is your apology, maybe say it one or two more times" said Tamina. Trevor laugh and kissed Tamina two more times. "About time y'all made up" said Trin. "Shut up" said Tamina. "You ready to get out of here" said Trevor. "Maybe in another hour" said Tamina. She kissed him before actually going to the restroom. Tamina ordered a drink and walked back to the booth. She sat in Trevor's lap. "Babe, who is this" said Tamina. As she took a shot with the girls. "This is I think her name was KK" said Trevor. "My name is Aurora" said the girl. "As I was saying why don't we get out of here" said the girl. "Why are bitches so dumb" said Tamina. "What did you say" asked the girl. "I said Why Are Bitched So Dumb. It is obvious that he isn't leaving with anyone but me. I just kissed him and i am currently sitting in his lap" said Tamina. The girl huffed and walked away, "you ever with another woman, I'd be getting arrested for a double homicide" said Tamina. "Ok, it's time for us to go" said Trevor. He called the Uber, and grabbed their things. Once at the house Tamina got into bed, "do you want me here, or should I go to the couch." asked Trevor. "If you don't get your ass in this damn bed" said Tamina. Trevor laid with her,and she cuddled into his body. Tamina then fell asleep in Trevor's arms. A position that she dearly missed.

The next morning...

Tamina woke up and looked around. Trevor walked in. "Here is some Advil and water, there us breakfast from Keke's downstairs" said Trevor. After taking the medicine, " I fucking love you" said Tamina. "I love you too,Ro"said Trevor. They walked back downstairs and ate breakfast. They showered before Tamina rode with Trevor to go pick up Cam. Tamina stood on the porch with Trevor.  Cam opened the door, "Dad!!" said Cam as he hugged Trevor. "Hi RoRo" said Cam. Tamina leaned down to hugged him, she helped Trevor grab bags before they sat in the car. "Now I told you to stop bringing your females around our son" said the BabyMomma. "Get use to me being here cause I ain't going nowhere" said Tamina. Trevor had a conversation with his child's mother. They left and had a good rest of their day.

(Just something to show that I'm still alive)

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