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Bad Things 11.

2 years later....

Tamina woke up next to her heart, bestfriend, her husband. Her and Trevor had spent a very crazy night in Vegas with  their friends celebrating Trevor's main rosters debut. That was for Royal Rumble, they woke up the next morning married.

Present Time...

Tamina got out of her bed and to her daughters room, waking each of them up. They came downstairs, "Morning Mom"said Milaneta. Tamina nodded while drinking coffee, she ate breakfast. Her daughters were doing whatever, "Your grandmother will be here in 15 minutes, you guys know the drill" said Tamina. She went back upstairs, to wake up Trevor. "I love you but get the hell up, we got a long drive ahead of us"said Tamina. She kissed him lightly, she was walking away when he pulled her back to the bed and kissed her. "Do we have to go to work" said Trevor. "Yes, if you want to make any money" said Tamina. "That's a good enough reason to get up" said Trevor. He let Tamina go and they got up to shower and get dressed. They were downstairs waiting for Trin and Jon. Tamina kissed her daughters goodbye.  She heard the car pull into the driveway. It was still very early, in fact it was 4 am. They loaded up and started driving the 8 hours to Charlotte.  About 4 hours in they switched drivers, they all had to put in their share of driving. Jon and Trevor had today, and Tamina and Trin were driving tonight. The drive went by fast as Tamina and Trin were both sleeping. They got to Charlotte at about noon. They girl were still sleeping, jimmy turned the volume up as high as it could go, and played a loud song to wake them up. The girls jumped up, " I'm going to kill you" said Tamina. They pulled into the arena and Tamina punched Trevor in his chest, he grabbed their bags and he dropped Tamina off at the women's locker room. "Hey Mina" said Lacey. "Hey Sis, what's up."said Tamina. "Nothing, waiting  for Nessa and B to get here the caught a flat tire while coming from the airport" said Lacey. "What's wrong you seen upset" asked Tamina. "I think I might be pregnant" said Lacey. "Did you take a test" said Tamina. "Not yet, I was waiting for you guys" said Lacey. As if on que, Bianca and Vanessa walked in the locker room. The group walked into the restroom, Lacey did what she had to. "5 minutes" said Lacey, she sat on the counter. "If, you are. You will be a good ass mom and Tama is literally always talking about getting you knocked up" said Bianca. "He never shuts up" said Nessa. "leave my boyfriend alone" said Lacey. The timer on her phone went off, Nessa looked at the test. "Well, looked like Tama got what he wanted, congratulations baby mama" said Nessa. Lacey started tearing up, "shit, i have to tell him" said Lacey. "Isn't he in Japan" said Bianca. "From what I know he is their till next week" said Lacey. "Well Baby Mama, you can't wrestle tonight which means we need a new partner" said Bianca. "Speaking Of can't wrestle, i need to tell the bosses"said Lacey as she stepped outside, with her phone. Tamina changed into her gear and went to find her husband.  He was in catering, with the rest of the group. Tamina stood next to him, he pulled her into his lap. He kissed her neck as she was talking to Trin. Tamina turns to him, "you need to stop, we can continue at the hotel" said Tamina. Trevor nodded and Tamina turned back to her conversation. "Y'all are so cute, it makes me wish I wasn't single"said Vanessa. "Same here"said Bianca. Tamina looked at Lacey, who looked at Vanessa, then all of them looked at Bianca. Tamina took out her phone,

Tamina: Bitch! You ain't single, you are fucking our boss.
Lacey: Don't forget they have a kid together
Bianca: look, i am single. Yes, I was messing with Trips, but he choose his wife and kids over me. So it is what it is.
Vanessa: Lies! That man was just at our apartment Friday night.
Lacey: Was!?
Bianca: Shut up! Remember we do have a 1 year old kids together.
Vanessa: The noise coming from your bedroom said y'all were making baby number two.
Tamina: Damn B, you are like a drug to that man. He can't stay away
Bianca: Soo what, yes we fuck. His wife had a kid with Dean!
Tamina: I'm so done with y'all. I'm going to stay over here by my husband and we going to work
Lacey: I'm with Mina on this one

Tamina was going to put her phone down, when her daughter began calling her. Tamina walked into a hallway,

Tamina: What's up
Milaneta: nothing, Trevor texted me to call you so you guys could get away from our crazy family.
Tamina: I managed to get away, but he stayed back. I can go get him, but thanks for the help.
Milaneta: Anytime

She hung up but walked into catering with the phone to her ear, and signaled Trevor to come see. They found a deserted hallway. Tamina sat on a crate. Trevor kissed her passionately. "Can you believe we made it to 3 years together" said Tamina. "Well, I knew you were going to be mine when I asked you to dance" said Trevor. He sat with her on the crate, his hand ran up her thigh. "I told you wait, our match is right after Trin's which is now. Then the drive to the hotel." said Tamina. "Hey, it's not my fault that my wife is hot, and I want her" said Trevor. "Just wait till the hotel, then you can have me anyway you want"said Tamina.

***Just a quick chapter! Deuces***

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