Chapter 14 - Bonus

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Chapter 14- Bonus

4 years later

Tamina brought out the last platter of food. They were having a family reunion, and it just so happened to be at her house. Tamina fixed a plate and found her husband sitting around, with the girls and their significant others. Tamina sat in Trevor's lap and fed him off of her plate. "Mom, how was you and Trevor's anniversary last week" asked Maleata.

Tamina couldn't believe that both her daughters were in college. "It was good, he ordered me breakfast in bed, we spent the day together. Just enjoying each other's company no that we don't wrestle anymore" said Tamina. "We also went to dinner, then that night we had even more fun" said Trevor.

Tamina laughed as the girls pretended to throw up at the thought of their parents having sex. "How else do you think we created TJ" said Tamina. Trevor kissed her neck before Nia came over. "Stop, you are going to scar you children" said Nia. "Oh, shut up. They are grown they already know what's up" said Trevor.

Tamina got off of Trevor's lap and took the baby Braun was holding. "Ugh, we did you two have to create such a cute kid" said Milaneta. She played with the baby. "Babe, you would be a good mom, one day," said Nicole, Milaneta's girlfriend. "After she get this degree I've been paying for. Then you guys can talk kids. No baby talk until then. Both of you" said Tamina to her daughters.

Tamina looked at her family that currently inhabited her backyard. Deuce was talking with Roman, Jimmy, Jey. he was probably telling them about the wrestling school he just opened. Her sisters were around all the girls, they were probably catching up on wrestling gossip. Lastly, her mom was around all her aunts and only the lord knows what they were talking about.

That Night...

Tamina laid on her bed after showering and watched Trevor. "Can you believe how our lives turned out" asked Tamina. "I mean it was kinda crazy, but I wouldn't change it for the world," said Trevor. "I was talking about the events that lead us to today" said Tamina. "

Yea, like imagine if you hadn't gone to Trin's party. You would have never gotten drunk and we would have accidentally slept together" said Trevor. "Or even like if we hadn't gone visit Renee and Dean for their housewarming, we wouldn't have gotten married that weekend" said Tamina. "Or if we hadn't gone to Cabo for our anniversary that year, we wouldn't have created TJ" said Trevor.

"All the crazy shit we've done wouldn't have happened if we were to go back and change even the littlest details about our lives" said Tamina. Trevor laid next to her and held her tightly, "We each had great wrestling careers you at 11 years and 6 title wins. Me at 7 years and 8 title wins" said Trevor. "If I had the chance, I still wouldn't change a thing, because I'd risk losing you" said Tamina.

"I'm usually the romantic one, stop stealing my lines woman" said Trevor. Tamina laughed she then fell asleep that night after her and Trevor spent the entire night talking. 

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