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Chapter 9

3 months later...

Tamina's Uber dropped her at Full Sail about 1 hour before the NXT show. She had come here from the airport. Her champion duties and her schedule were so hectic she hadn't seen her own boyfriend for over 3 months for more than 3 hours. It was rough, when Trevor was in Orlando Tamina wasn't and vice versa. Her NXT girls let her in and they found Trevor talking to Tessa, well more like she was talking and he was on his phone.

Vanessa went up to him, she and Tessa still had issues. "Trevor I got something for

you" said Nessa. "You and I both know your crazy ass don't give people gifts," said Trevor. "Shut the fuck up and turn the fuck around," said Nessa. Reluctantly, Trevor turned around and saw his girlfriend. Tamina jumped on him and they kissed passionately. While they were quickly catching up Vanessa went up to Tessa, "Adios, the true King and Queen have been reunited. Bye, Tessa." said Nessa. "In other words, stay the fuck away from my sis's man," said Lacey. Tamina's hand laced in Trevor's they walked up to Nessa. Tessa looks them up and down before walking away. Trevor sat on the crate behind them and Tamina leaned into him. Bianca came over trying to take a picture of them, "No, I have taken 4 flights in 3 days. I do not look good" said Tamina. Trevor kissed down her neck, "You look beautiful, babe" said Trevor. They sat there talking until Hunter came up to them. "Tamina, not going to ask how you were let in the building without being an NXT superstar. But Neil our commentator called in sick. Do you wanna be a guest tonight" said Hunter. "I have nothing better to do. So sure" said Tamina. Hunter thanked her and she got her title from her bag. Once getting back inside, she was asked to film a video with Sarah (backstage interviewer).

Sarah: Tamina you were just announced as a guest commentator for NXT tonight. How does it feel?

Tamina: I feel great I came up in FCW which was NXT for the older wrestlers. No matter what brand it is, I feel good to be back to where it really started for me.

Sarah: I hope you enjoy your time tonight.

Tamina went back to her group of friends and had a good time before she was called to go to the commentary table. Once she was there she felt welcomed by the fans. "Welcome the Smackdown Live Women's Champion, Tamina," said Mauro. Tamina thanked him and sat at the table. "The first match of the night is a 6 women tag match. The team of Bianca Belair, Lacey Lane, and Vanessa Borne vs. Rhea Ripley, Reina Gonzalez, and Taynara Conti" said Percy. With the help of the commentators, Tamina did what she needed to do and called the match. Lacey, Bianca, and Nessa won, "Which of these women would you want to face for your title," asked Mauro. "It doesn't matter they can all try. I have held on to this title for 112 days for a reason" said Tamina. Tamina called matches for the next half hour. It was main event time, Nxt was on a quick break during which Tamina talked to her family. They were back in under 5 minutes. The main event was Trevor vs EC3. "Like usual, who do you have to win this match," asked Percy. They had been predicting matches all night and Tamina had only gotten one wrong. "That's an easy decision, 100% my pick is Ricochet," said Tamina. "Now you and our North American Champion have a bit of history if I am correct," said Mauro. "Unless I have been dreaming for the past 9 months, we do have some history. I mean he is my boyfriend" said Tamina. That got a laugh from the other commentators and they went on to watch the match.

It was the end of NXT and Tamina was backstage waiting on Trevor. "Thank you so much for filling in," said Hunter. "It was fun, but never again am I doing that for a whole hour," said Tamina. She made small talk with other NXT superstars. "Sis, you have to come to the PC and show us a little something," said Nessa. "I will come by later this week or so," said Tamina. Trevor came up to them, "Ready to go" asked Trevor. Tamina saw Tessa scrunch her face in disgust, Tamina mouthed "He is mine" in her direction before Trevor put his arm around her and they walked out. Trevor put Tamina's bag in the back before starting his drive to her house. "I need to eat, shower, and sleep. I have the next days off and I am so happy" said Tamina. "I am starving, where do you want to stop," said Trevor. "Anywhere is fine," said Tamina. They stopped to get food then made their way to Tamina's house. Her daughter were out, Milaneta was at work and Maleata was at MMA practice. Her and Trevor ate them watch a movie when her daughters walked in. "You guys food is in the oven," said Tamina. They finished up the movie before Trevor left. He was getting his son for the next week. "Tell Cam I said Hey and that I miss him," said Tamina. She kissed Trevor goodbye as her daughter flopped on to her couch. "One, get your feet off my couch. Two, rough day" said Tamina. "I swear I want to quit working for that damn Mcdonalds," said Milaneta. "Two things. First, what happened. Second, you can't quit. We may have money but I sure as hell ain't taking care of y'all when you are old enough to have a job" said Tamina. "Ok, so I was stuck in the front and taking drive-thru. This woman orders her food and gets it. 10 minutes later, she comes inside yelling that her fries were burnt and burger tasted like shit. Excuse my language" said Milaneta. "Don't care, go on?" said Tamina. "Anyways she said her burger was horrible and I said well go eat somewhere else. I was then called a bitch that can't do anything right so that's when I called her a bitch back but in Hawaiian, and I quotes, she said to speak English you worthless piece of shit" said Milaneta. "I take that back you can quit. My kid won't be treated like that, we can get you a new job," said Tamina. "On a positive note, I have decided that I wanna wrestle when I get older," said Maleata. "Same here," said Milaneta. "I have told you guys this, college first then we can work on training," said Tamina. "We know and I have good grades, but Simone is training here and there," said Milaneta. "Ok, let's agree on this. You grades stay good. I will arrange for y'all to go to the PC, twice a week" said Tamina. "Deal, speaking of grades. I'm going to study for my U.S history text next week. Night Mom" said Maleata. "Night, baby girl" said Tamina. "You, go do something. Just be back by 11, " said Tamina. Milaneta nodded, knowing that it was the weekend. Tamina went to her bedroom, she showered then passed out on her bed.

**** Since I am in a good mood Y'all get back to back updates. Yay!!!!****

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