Thirty four

22 0 1

Ashki's POV

"Luke," I said, trying to push him off. "I've gotta go home, alright? My parents are gonna get suspicious." I laughed, finally getting his lips to detach from my neck.

"Okaaaaay. I'll see you at school." He pouted. "Bye." I giggled, closing his door and starting my walk home.

I tried to remember what it was like when my dad used to love me.

He would give me butterfly kisses, call me nicknames only he can call me. He'd tell me I was the most beautiful girl in the world, and that I could touch the stars with my little pink ballerina slippers if I tried.

Then it all changed.

I don't even think my mom cares anymore. She just wants to feel something, and she shut Drew and I out. How can Dan love me when I'm not even his daughter? How can Drew love me if he's constantly pointing out my flaws, and telling me I'm doing everything wrong? If my father loved me, would he have left us? No one that I could and do love loves me back.

But Luke is different.

He loves me because I'm his best friend, but there's more to that friendship. He likes hearing me talk, even if it's barely audible. He remembers everything that I tell him, all the words, their definitions, all the famous quotes, every book that I thought was beyond amazing, he remembers just so he can bring it up and make me smile.

Luke has made the suicidal thoughts go away. He watches me eat carefully, and tells me that I'm beautiful the way I am. He's made the scars on my wrists seem like another war that I've won, even though he hates the fact that he wasn't there to help.

But he'll never know how much he helped, just by loving me.

Luke is my cure.

"Drew," Dan broke the silence at dinner. "How's that I haven't seen him around." He questioned.

Drew turned to me, nodding. "Why don't you ask Ashki?" He smiled innocently.

"Just because Luke and I hang out doesn't mea-" "Oh I know. Ashki is completely innocent and has done nothing with a boy." He scoffed.

"Andrew," my mother warned.

"Why are you all buddy buddy with him if you don't like him?" I asked quietly, keeping my eyes on my food.

"I was already friends with him, then he became friends with you. I don't like it. Mom, you understand, right?" He turned to her, asking hopefully.

I swear sometimes Drew acts like a literal 6 year old boy.

"No, I don't." She said, taking my side for once.

"Someday Ashki is gonna meet a boy she likes, and you're going to have to accept them. If you and Luke are already friends, I don't understand how it would be a problem-" "I told them before that my sister is off limits," he cut her off hastily. "Your sister is fully grown and can take care of herself. And it's not your choice who she dates." Dan stepped in. I shot him a glare, wanting them to think I wasn't dating Luke.

"Listen, I don't love him either, but if Ashki and him are friends than I can cope with it, and so can you." Dan explained. Drew fumed, I know why. He likes to think since he's the oldest, he can control everything, and Dan is taking my side. Therefore, stopping te control he has over me.

At least he can agree with Dan on one thing, they're not too fond of the idea of Luke and I being together.

"I don't remember having you in my DNA, so why should you have the right to boss me around?"

"Cause he is less ignorant than you. And DNA has nothing to do with how much disrespect you're showing to your father." My mom butted in, and Drew almost flipped the table.

"He is not and never will be my dad." He spat, leaving the room.

"God mom you always pull dad into this," I sighed, putting Drew and I's plates in the dishwasher.

"I know what's going on between you and Luke." Drew closed my bedroom door behind him. "Excuse me?" I asked innocently, setting my book down on my bed.

"I know everything." He leaned against the doorframe.

"I know how you gave him dance lessons for Prom, I know what happened when you went to his house for guitar lessons, I know what happened at the amusement park, I know what happened at his house the one night with Calum and Ashton and his girlfriend." He smirked.

"Who told you that," I stood up suddenly.

The things Luke an I talk about are meant to be private, along with the things we do.

"Whoever was there for all of them." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't want you near Luke again." He stated blankly.

"You can't do that." I got up from my bed, walking over to him.

"Why? Cause you two have known each other so long?" He hissed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, because he's the only person I know how trust." I said, the loudest I've spoken to Drew.

I finally grew some confidence.

"Cause, he matters to me and I matter to him. I've forgotten what that feels like. To matter? For someone to care about your existence as much as they do about theirs? When someone puts you first? That's what Luke does to me, and you're not taking him away from me." I lowered my voice.

Drew opened his mouth to speak, then closed it before he found the words to tell.

"Im sorry Ashki." He sighed, then left the room and closed the door.


who do you guys think told Drew?

what's he gonna do about it?

uhhh idk idk

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