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Kim Taehyung was lost. It's been two hours since the breakup, but he and Jungkook are still sitting in Taehyung's dark room. The lights were off, and the only sound was of his sniffles and of Jungkook's sighs and occasional whines.

Everyone in the dorm had gone out. Namjoon and Yoongi were in the studio with Hoseok. Jimin had gone after them after revealing the news to Jungkook and Taehyung. And both of them were aware that Jin had gone to get groceries.

Taehyung wanted to comfort his crying boyfriend. He really wanted to tell his Kookie that it was okay. But he couldn't when he was in hysterics too. Both of them hadn't spoken a word to each other. And he knew that was bad.

Taehyung had been staring at the ceiling for quite some time now. But when he heard the front door open, he moved his eyes from the ceiling towards the door. A knock sounded at his door and suddenly Jin emerged.

Jin looked around the very dark room and flicked on the lights. What he saw in front of him shattered his heart to pieces. Taehyung and Jungkook were both on the opposite sides of the room with countless blankets draped over them and their eyes were puffy and red.

"Oh god, what happened?" He rushed towards Jungkook and hugged him. He motioned towards Taehyung and Taehyung really needing a hug came rushing into the open arm of his eldest hyung.

With the warm comfort of his hyung, Jungkook suddenly burst into tears ."If you don't tell me what's wrong then how will I help you, hmm?" Jin said in the softest tone and Jungkook was ready to die then and there because he was just so, so hurt and Jin hugging him was all he needed and he didn't even know that before he got it and oh god does Jin smell good and life was just so unfair and in this line of thoughts he launched into another crying session.

The tears wouldn't stop for Taehyung either. He had one arm around his hyung's waist and one arm around Jungkookie who was one of his boyfriends and now his only boyfriend who was crying with his heart broken probably beyond repair and he was crying too and everything was just shattering and Jin hyung was stroking his hair and that was the best feeling ever and why was he even alive at this point.

Both the boys were crying in hysterics and poor Jin had never been taught how to deal with crying boys in his arms. So he did what he could and stroked his Taehyungie's hair and rubbed his Kookie's back. After a while of whispering sweet little comforting words to both the boys, he got them to look up to him from his stomach.

The boys looked so worn out and tired that Jin knew his own tears were on the way. But he was a hyung so he had to not cry.

What cheered people when they were heartbroken? He thought for a good twenty-five seconds and then realized, it was so obvious. Chocolate and sweets and cuddles and dad jokes and k-dramas ( but the rom-com ones. The boys were too sad to go through Melodrama or Sad endings without bursting into tears.)

So with a new found determination, Jin made it his responsibility to make tonight the best night of the two boys life. After all, he did love the two boys to death.

"Tae, kookie, it's okay if you don't want to tell me what happened. Take your time. Just let's go to the living room. I'll get some blankets so we can cuddle and we can watch some movies or a drama. What do you both think?"

Taehyung simply nodded and Jungkook said an inaudible okay. They were both thankful that their hyung was taking care of them. They really needed comfort right now.

Jin carefully helped both the boys up while also trying to stay from falling since both boys were practically attached to him like leeches and he was not very strong compared to the boys that were on him.

After struggling for quite some time, Jin finally made it to the living room with the boys. After he had them seated, he proceeded to put his plan into action.

After all the sweets, candies, snacks, blankets, and cushions were gathered and the hot chocolate was made, Jin went inside the living room and started bringing each one of them in on his own. When he came in for the first time with four different plates of snacks and Chocolates on a tray, he saw both boys hugging each other with Taehyung crying while Jungkook was rubbing his back.

Jin became really worried, although he had already guessed that Jimin broke up with them, he was sure now. He took a deep breath and in the cheeriest voice got inside yelling and jumping because he was trying to cheer them up.

After setting everything for the movie night, Jin decided to sit at the end of the couch to give the boys some couple time. As he was making his way towards the end of the couch, a hand caught his.

"Hyung, can't you cuddle with us?" Jungkook said and Taehyung looked at him with the such an expectant expression that it would have been a sin to refuse. Jin sighed and nodded his head and both the boys scooted away from each other to make a place for him.

As Jin sat down both the boys got comfortable on his body. Taehyung made his way into his lap and Jungkook was leaning onto his shoulder. Jin wasn't as strong as both the boys and they were very heavy for him. But this was his donsaengs, he would die for them, so what was a bit of weight?

Jungkook picked out a movie and Taehyung started munching on chips. After settling in again on Jin, both boys watched the movie while cuddling and demanding their hyung to stroke their head.

Jin commented on each and everything in the movie and threw his dad jokes here and there. And after two hours the boys were back to being the smiley, funny, teasing boys they were. Jin was really thankful for that.

So that was how they spent the whole night. The poor heartbroken boys healing their hearts with the help of their one hyung that was always there for them.

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