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Voices and faces.

Jin could see and hear them quite clearly, but yet he still knew they were just memories. He knew that very well as he could still feel the throbbing of his head and shoulder. But he didn't want to leave the safety that this unconscious state provided.


He saw Jungkook come to him, with a huge pout on his face. "Hyung, please cook something for me. I'm hungry." Jin smiled at his Kookie's adorable face.

The figure faded and he stood in front of the Han river. He saw Taehyung standing beside him while leaning onto him. "Hyung, even if we didn't debut; I still always want to be your donsaeng. Would you let me?" Jin tilted his head to the side. This memory was very distant, he almost forgot it.

The image dissolved again, and now they were standing in front of a camera. "Hyung, Can you keep that gaze? You look like a prince with it." Jungkook said with a huge smile. Even though it was a memory; Jin's heartbeat took off.

Jin blinked and he was sitting on the rooftop. Taehyung had his arms wrapped around him in a back hug. "Hyung, I think I like Jungkook," Jin remembered till today; the way he had felt his heartbreak. Back then he hadn't known he liked Jungkook too.

The image changed again, and now he was seated in front of a camera. They were doing an interview. Jin didn't want to relive this memory again. This memory always caused him to break apart. "Oh no. Jin Hyung is too old for us. We'll go with Hoseok hyung." Jin could still feel the painful smile that he was giving the audience. He would always be too old for them.

The image dissipated; bringing Jin in front of the mirror again; Reliving that horrifying night again. His image in the mirror resembled that of a very depressed person; this wasn't Kim Seokjin, the extremely handsome man, but this was someone else, someone with too many dark circles, someone with too much weight on his shoulders, someone who was too old, someone who wasn't good enough for the both of them, someone who expected the others to believe that he was in love with two boys at once, but no matter how impossible it seemed, he really was.

He remembered that night, his disgust with himself, his hatred for the way he was. He remembered those extremely painful hours that had passed with him weeping, crying, tossing about. He had made a resolution that night; to give up on pursuing the two younger boys, they were better off without someone as disgusting as him, someone who fell in love with his younger donsaengs that looked at him as an older brother; even as a mother.

His eyes came to focus again, but on a different image; a more recent one. Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting in front of him, with Jimin standing about on the side. They had broken the news that the three of them were dating to him. He remembered the first thought that came to his mind;

'So Jimin, but not me.'

He had then remembered all that was good about Jimin and had given them his blessing. Jin was a sucker for the boys' smiles. He smiled as all three of them hugged him as he had readily accepted them; struggling at keeping his vision cleared and his constricted breathing normally.

Jin felt his heart ache. He felt his thoughts jumbling about. He blinked, and this time he saw darkness. Only and only darkness.

He blinked again and again, trying to get his vision adjusted to the light. Once he could see in the darkness, he turned to look at the flicker of light that came from below the door. He sat up straight, an only then did he realize he was lying on something. As he sat up, a sharp pain through his head brought him into attention towards his still bleeding head wound.

He looked at what he was lying at, in the meanwhile also calling out to Namjoon. He was sure the boy was right here with him. So where did he go?

He touched the thing he was lying on, only to find it ice-cold. He touched it for a while, then realized it was a face.  Only Namjoon was here with him. Namjoon was the one beside him, Namjoon was the one ice-cold.

"Namjoon..." No response.

"Namjoon-ah, Namjoon wake up. " Jin shook the boy with as much energy he could muster, which wasn't a lot.

Namjoon wasn't waking up, he was ice-cold, it was too dark to see what was wrong with him, Jin wasn't going to stay conscious for long either as he was feeling light-headed, everything was just so unfair to them. Hadn't the both of them suffered enough?

Jin's sobs filled the place that they were held hostage in. Jin couldn't think straight. All he knew was his brother, his best friend, his leader, his family, Namjoon, wasn't answering him, wasn't moving, wasn't even making a movement.

A loud scream escaped Jin's lips. He couldn't take it anymore, he just couldn't. Jin couldn't watch his brother die like this. He just couldn't.

Jin crawled in the darkness towards their only source of light. He had no idea why he couldn't stand up, but he didn't even bother checking whether his leg was fine or not. He kept crawling to the door. Something cold came into contact into with his hand again, and Jin was really scared it was another person's body. But it turned out to be something else.

He couldn't decipher what it was in the darkness, but he picked it up. He finally reached the door with the object in his hand. He sniffed, he had to keep Namjoon alive, he had to go out of here.

He hit the door, once, twice, thrice. A desperate scream escaped his lips. He didn't know where the strength came from, he couldn't even keep his eyes open before a minute, and now he was screaming and hitting the door. But he was desperate, his younger brother was barely breathing. Namjoon would die this way.

"Help, Help, Help." The desperate shouts and sobs seemed foreign to his ears. His head was pounding, his heart was hurting, perhaps this was how it was supposed to be, perhaps this was their destiny. As the object pierced his skin and fell off from his hand, so did his consciousness.

But at least the only amount of strength he had left had not gone in vain. His screams were heard. Albeit by a little girl, but they were at least heard.

The door opened, and a man opened the door.

"Appa, Is there, anyone, inside? " The little girl tried to peak in, but the man didn't let her see the gruesome sight.

"My love, Can you pass Appa the phone?" The girl eagerly nodded and gave her father the phone on which she was previously playing.

The man didn't hesitate while calling the emergency number.

"It's Unit 96, Street Garbage collecting site. Urgently send an ambulance. I think I've found what we were looking for. Hurry up, or he might die."

The call was closed, and the man earnestly tried to persuade his daughter to go sit in the truck that the municipality used to collect garbage. The girl finally gave up trying to peek inside the basement of the warehouse and ran up to their truck.

The man after hearing the door of the truck close immediately ran to the bleeding boy in front of the gate and checked his pulse. It was still there, thankfully. He looked at the traces of blood that the place was covered in and saw that it led to another man.

He immediately ran to the other and what he saw made him faint and Cold Blooded. Purple lips, dark circles extending all his face, bare chest and not even shivering in the cold. The man was so scared that he wasn't alive.

He checked pulse, and it was so faint that the man freaked out. Calling the same emergency number again, he told them to send one more ambulance. He could only hope they would live.

But hope is often the reason of shattered hearts.

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