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"Hyung, let's go. Let's go." Jimin whined for the fifth time since Namjoon's coming out of his room.

Jimin had gotten too overprotective over Namjoon and him, Jin noticed. Not that he could say anything, because over Namjoon he had too. But the other boys treated Namjoon and Jin as if they were made of porcelain. It got annoying fast, and Jin couldn't help but feel guilty as he also treated all his donsaengs the same way before his disappearing.

It had been four whole weeks since the young girl and her father found Jin and Namjoon, A week since Jin was discharged. And two days since Namjoon woke up. They we're currently in the hospital garden, with Hoseok and Jimin pushing Namjoon's wheelchair as he was still too weak to stand properly. Jungkook had an arm wrapped around Jin's waist as he helped Jin to walk, and Taehyung was holding Jin's other hand. 

They had walked and enjoyed the scenery for a while, but now Jimin was adamanant on on taking Namjoon back to his room as he had once said he was feeling tired. Jin agreed after he said for the third time, and Namjoon whined. It was weird, having their leader in a wheelchair, but Jin learned that everyone had their weak moments, and Namjoon was entitled to have his too.

Jin was just glad all the members were happy for a while since the whole situation. Yoongi wasn't present with them. After having pulled an all nighter with Namjoon yesterday, Jin had sent the boy home to have a shower and go to sleep. Jin had noticed an awkwardness around Hoseok and Yoongi, so he would have to talk to them about that too. But not right now, when all of them finally seemed so content.

"Hyung, Jimin is going to take me to my room. All of you should head back home." Namjoon said. Jin frowned, he didn't want to leave Namjoon alone yet, but after an encouraging nod from the younger and Jimin, he sighed and gave in. "Take care of him, Jimin. I'm relying on you." Jimin nodded in a determined manner, and Jin giggled and ruffled the youngers hair.

"I'll stay too hyung." Hoseok chirped up, but Jin would never let him. "Hoseok-ah, don't think I don't know where you were last night. Come home with us queitly and I'll let your late night dance studio session go. You also need sleep."

"But hyung, I haven't really spent time with Joon-ah. "

"Hobi-ah, you are here with me since the opening of visiting hours. And it's been seven hours since." Hoseok looked at Namjoon with a fake gasp.

"How can you betray me like that, Joon? How can you break my trust that way? What happened to our 94 line friendship, huh? Huh?"

"It got ruined the day you said we are awkward with each other." Namjoon said with raised eyebrows.

Jin giggled as both the idiots shot back at each other with fake malice, which ended up with Namjoon doing his shy aegyo and Hoseok giving him kisses on his face.

Jin could swear he lived with the sappiest idiots in the world.


"Hyung, May I come in?" Jungkook asked from Jin's door. Jin who was drying his hair as he sat at the foot of the bed said a 'Yeah'.

"Tae-hyung is also with me. Is that okay?" Jin smiled. "When is that not okay Jungkook?"

Both the boys entered the room. Jin saw them looking away as he pulled his shirt on him.

"What's up? Why are you standing? Come, sit beside me." Jin patted both sides of the bed for the younger boys to sit in. Taehyung took his right side amidst fidgeting, while Jungkook sat on his left looking like a scolded puppy. Jin was confused, and as the time passed, grew worried.

"Tae, Kookie, What's wrong?" Jin asked them in the softest voice he could muster, as to not scare away the boys. Taehyung got up and stood in front of Jin. Jin looked at Jungkook and then up to Taehyung confusedly.

"Hyung, I, I know this might sound strange and that you might not want to, which is completely okay since you're so amazing and all, and like why would you want to? And maybe you would want with Jungkook since he's so amazing [Am not] and not with me, which I completely understand. I don't mind, and oh God, I'm rambling."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion because what the hell did they want him to do with them? "Tae, if you don't tell me what you want from me then how am I supposed to give it to you?" Taehyung stood there for a while not saying anything, and then sighed and ran a hand over his hair in frustration.

After a while, and maybe after suffocating from the long uncomfortable silence in the room Jungkook exclaimed, "hyungwouldyouliketogooneadatewithustomorrowforvalentinesday?"

Jin tilted his head to the side as Jungkook spoke. Jin felt transported to the olden days when Jungkook actually used to rap. Not registering the question, Jin asked, "Pardon?"

"Hyung, Would you like to go out with us Tomorrow? As our date for Valentine's day?" Taehyung answered in a soft, vulnerable voice. Jin looked away from Jungkook to Taehyung as he actually registered what was going on.

Oh, Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to go out on a date with him.

Oh my God. Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to go out on a date with him.

Jin pinched himself and felt pain erupt in his body. No, this want a dream. The love of his life were actually asking him out. Finally asking him out. As Jin freaked out internally, his posture externally was frozen with a leveled stare on Taehyung. Taehyung slumped his back and folded to himself more and more as the silence stretched more and more.

"Hyung, it's okay if you don't want to. Forget what we just said. Let's go Taehyung-ah." Jungkook panicking got up from his place and took Taehyung's hand to get out of the room.

"Wait." Jungkook and Taehyung froze with their back to Jin. Jungkook started shivering, he didn't want their Hyung's sympathetic sorry after he refuses them. That would be the worst.

"You ask me a question, then answer it yourself too. What kind of logic is that?" Taehyung looked back at Jin who was looking at them with a small smirk.

"What do you mean hyung?" He asked genuinely feeling flabbergasted.

"I mean that I would go out with the both of you tomorrow you big Dumbo." Jungkook finally willed himself to look back at Jin. Both him and Taehyung made eye contact with each other as smiled stretched on their faces and then looked back at Jin.

"You won't regret your decision hyung." Jungkook said sincerely. He meant he would make sure Jin is always happy with them. "I'm sure I won't." Jin meant that he would never ever think of regretting.

"So, I'm tired. Would you like to cuddle?" Jin asked.

Jungkook and Taehyung practically jumped on the bed as the loud laughter belonging to Jin echoed in the room.

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