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"It was unexpected. We both were just walking back from the convenience store we had bought the ramen from. I suddenly decided that we should probably go to the other take-out store than the one we always buy from. It was an impulsive decision, a spur of the moment one. We were walking and talking about going there. I..."

Jin took a deep breath as he paused. In front of him was Namjoon, their smart, selfless, idiotic Namjoon. He had glucose drips on both of his arms, as well as various other fluids that were entering his body. Jin was suspicious, at this point he didn't trust anyone except his members, and BangPD and Sejin. Everyone else was suspicious to him.

He felt a squeeze on his shoulder, and he looked up at Taehyung who was standing right behind him. Namjoon's hand were cold as Jin held them, not letting go. He was scared that once he let them go, Namjoon would disappear, Forever.

He took another breath, before continuing; "I felt weird, almost creeped out. I thought someone was following us but then gave up the thought as me being only paranoid. If only I had actually done something then..."

A sob erupted from Seokjin, again. Namjoon was in front of him, with needles and oxygen to keep him alive. The nurses had told him that they had brought Namjoon barely clothed with bleeding wounds on both his head and hands. He was also the more malnourished and weakened one in the two. Even though Seokjin was the more injured one in the two, it was Namjoon that was difficult to save.

Namjoon, the one that always protected them.

It was Hoseok that hugged him this time. The silence from the policeman was a sign that he didn't mind him breaking down.

Hoseok was warm, soft, and in his arms, Jin wanted to hide. He didn't want to face this reality. Hoseok didn't say anything, letting Jin break down and cry. Jin needed this, he needed crying after all that had happened. Keeping it all in was harmful.

"I'm alright, I'm alright." Hoseok removed his arms from Jin's neck after the elder tapped his stomach slightly.

"Don't force yourself hyung." Jungkook's small voice echoed throughout the entire room. Jin faced the wall Jungkook was leaning on. It was on the right of Namjoon's bed, and since he was facing Namjoon, he was directly looking up at him too. Jin looked away from the younger's teary but intense gaze just as they made eye contact, not able to take it.

"It was in a blink of an eye; one moment we were walking, the next moment someone hit Namjoon's head and were taking him away from me. I was scared, very scared. Before I could even react, I was shut up by a cloth on my mouth. We were not even in a completely secluded area, if I had just been given a chance to scream, someone would have heard us. I was thrown on a wall before I could even try moving. Hits upon hits on me until I couldn't breathe. The person was a boy, a very young boy that looked like he was in his teenage days."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Mr.Kim, but did the boy say anything or do anything that showed the purpose of why he was doing that?"

Jin thought back to the night, to the boy repeatedly hit him. His voice muffled by the cloth, one of his hand already broken, his gaze not even looking at the boy but trying to reach out for Namjoon. Jin's eyes involuntarily shut, the boy's words repeating again and again.

"Because of you. Because of you. Because of you. She would be alive if not for you. "

"She would be alive if not for you? Mr. Kim, did you know anyone that died maybe because of you? Any fangirl, anyone else?" Jin shook his head.

"Where was this all going on? Where were all of you?" Jin tried to remember.

"We were a little away from behind the convenience store, near to the Bomshing restaurant, at least, I think that's its name. It looked like a residential area, an alleyway coming in between. "

The police chief hummed. "And what happened after that, Mr. Kim?"

"I don't know, I blacked out. The next time I opened my eyes, Namjoon was softly singing to me in a very dark place, but that was also just for a moment. I used to come in and out of consciousness, Namjoon used to give me water and that ramen in that small time. Sometimes I woke on his chest. It was always pitched darkness. I never really saw him." Never saw how bad he was doing, never saw how he was cutting himself to keep Jin alive.

Jin looked at Jimin that was still sitting in the same position on Namjoon's right side. He was holding Namjoon's other hand and staring at him with his chin on his hands. It was a pitiful sight, Jimin trying to memorize Namjoon as if he was going to...

"I believe we know who is responsible for all of this. We will give you more information after confirming some things. I hope for your and Mr. Kim Namjoon's speedy recovery. Thank you, Mr. Jin. You've been strong. "

The police chief left, and with him so did Jin's will to sit longer. His legs hurt, and his ribs were screaming at him in pain. His head was throbbing from the crying, and he was feeling faint.

"C'mon hyung, let's get you to your room. " Taehyung's voice spoke into his ears softly. "Yes hyung, let's go to your room. It's time for Namjoon's physiotherapy anyway." Yoongi spoke this time.

The fact that Namjoon needed physiotherapy reminded him that Namjoon was in a pneumonia-induced coma. Jin looked once again at Namjoon and got up. Taehyung took his arm and led him quietly to the door. They met the female doctor at the doctor who had been exercising Namjoon's body since the week they had come here.

Jin nodded at her, just as he left with Taehyung. Jungkook and Jimin were on their heels, while Hoseok and Yoongi both left to talk to Jin and Namjoon's doctors respectively.

They reached Jin's room, with Jungkook opening the door for them. Taehyung led Jin to his bed, and Jimin quietly fixed Jin's cushions and blankets for him.

"Slowly hyung. Careful. " Jin smiled slightly at the maknaes taking care of him.

"Hyung, Can I ...?"

"You don't need to ask Jimin-ah." Jimin quickly scurried into the bed with Jin. Taehyung following quickly behind. Jungkook watched with a pout, and Jin laughed and motioned him to crawl in too.

The bed had been changed. After a few choked words by the five boys around him, Jin had gotten the hospital staff to get him a huge bed. At least one that fit four bodies. It was a single bed, but the three maknaes crawled on top of him, sometimes Jimin and Hoseok took each other's places. At this moment though, there was no Yoongi and Hoseok, so the chairs on his both sides were empty.


"Yes, Jimin-ah?"

"Is Namjoon hyung going to be alright?"

I don't know was what Jin wanted to say. But he didn't have the guts to say it out loud for the fear that it would become alright.

"Of course Jimin-ah, he will always be beside us. I promise. "

They all huddled together a little closer after Jin said those words.

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