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When Jin was eight, or maybe nine, he had heard his parents argue for the first time. His mom and dad didn't talk a lot, much less argue, but that day they had raised their voices on each other for the first time. Jin didn't remember the topic on which they fought, but what he did remember was him running to his hyung's room and sitting beside him. His hyung had gotten annoyed, but after realising what was actually going on outside, had let Seokjin stay.

His mom approached him after some hours, taking Seokjin into her arms and holding him tight, “Did Appa and Omma scare you honey?” Seokjin stayed silent.

“Jin-ah, You're angry from your mom?” Jin just asked a question in retaliation to his mother's words, “Why did you fight with Appa? Aren't you both adults?”

His mother had giggled at that. He remember the falling of her hair in front of her eyes as she had thrown her head back and laughed. Jin hadn't understood her laugh, thinking that she was laughing at him. He had burst into tears at that revelation, not being able to hold back his tears. His mother had hugged him tight into her chest, and had only said one thing, words that still resonated with him today,

“Jin baby, sometimes adults do things that they don't want to. And when they do that; they feel angry, and then they take our that anger on others. Don't be that person Jin-ah; don't do things that you don't want to, so that you won't be a cruel person to others, Okay? Find someone that makes you happy. Sometimes angry, but mostly happy.

His father had watched their conversation with emotional eyes from behind the curtain as Jin muttered a quiet ‘Okay’

Today, as Jin moved from his position at the stove to the fridge, the memory appearing in front of his mind randomly. Last night had left him quite exhausted, but he was determined to make up to the boys. He had inconvenienced them quite a lost last night. Taking milk out of the fridge, he started to boil it, his thoughts wandering again. He wondered if Namjoon had slept well today, the hospital was quite uncomfortable. Thinking about it, Yoongi hadn't returned from the studio too, with Hoseok also spending more time at the hospital and with Jin than with Yoongi. Was there something wrong between them? Jin would confront them soon.

Arms wrapped around Jin's torso, and Jin identified them to be Taehyung's. Seokjin could tell his members apart just by their breath. “Hm Hyung, What're you doing up so early?” Taehyung's voice was raspy, sleepy; making Jin smile.

“Opened my eyes early. Couldn't go back to sleep. Let's have breakfast together, go wake up Kookie too.” When Taehyung didn't move from behind him Jin burst into giggles. “Yah! Obey your hyung, hurry up!” Jin swatted Taehyung's hands away as the boy shooed away with groans and whines toward Jin's room.

Jin watched Taehyung's back as he walked into his room, feeling so many emotions, but mostly grateful. Very, very grateful to be back. For things going so smoothly right now. For every one being okay. For Taehyung and Jungkook loving him back. God, he was so grateful for everything.

Jin set up the table with food, moving towards Hoseok's room to wake the boy up for breakfast. Knocking once, he entered the boy's room. They were way past the point of privacy anyways. “Hoseok-ah? Hobi? Where are you?” Jin looked around the room, but found nothing. A small note on the lamp caught his eye.

Going to the Hope World.

Will eat there,

Enjoy the date!

P.S. Jin hyung no hanky panky in your condition please!

Jin let out a scandalous gasp at the younger's warning, knowing full well the warning was just a joke. Everyone in their dorm knew of Jin's nature in relationships. He hated only physical love. A fast hook-up was something that Jin did not understand, much less have one at that. With Jungkook and Taehyung Jin was planning on taking things very slow, since handling a three way relationship wasn't an every day thing; plus he didn't want to hurt his donsaengs, especially Jungkook and Taehyung.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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