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Namjoon felt sticky. He didn't know why, but he felt like he was at the grossest place in the hottest temperature. It was hard moving. No, it was impossible moving. On top of that, he could hear voices too. Voices that kind of resembled his group mates a lot. He kept slipping in and out of consciousness for a while.

It was Jimin's voice that he woke up to. "Hyung, I've been bad to you haven't I?" Namjoon could feel the quiver in his donsaeng's voice, which actually felt like thorns in his heart. Why the hell couldn't he move his hand? Namjoon felt desperate to touch Jimin's cheeks and tell him that No, he could never do anything bad.

"I'm sorry hyung. And once you wake up, I promise to apologise properly. Not only for taking your love for granted, but for taking You for granted too. Hyung I— …"  A long pause  followed after Jimin's words, and Namjoon was freaking out. The leader in him was telling him to stay calm, that perhaps Jimin didn't want to say anything else so he shut up. But the other part of him, the part that never wanted to hear Jimin cry again except when he was extremely happy, was worried. He could feel drops of tears on his hands that was perhaps held by Jimin.

"Hyung, just wake up. Wake up, okay? I'm tired. I'm so so tired of missing you and not being able to see you smile and not being able to hear you talk and order us around. I," Jimin's voice broke as he continued.

"am lost hyung. I didn't know this before but I lov—," Namjoon lost track of what Jimin said next as his lungs burned as if they were on fire. Namjoon could hear a beeping sound in the distance but he was too focused on trying to breath to register where it came from. Loud sounds echoed in the room, but Namjoon didn't know who those voices belonged to. It was just so freaking hard to breathe, the same way it was two years ago where he had first started using his oxygen machine to sleep because he just couldn't fuckin' breathe.

It was chaos, his head was exploding. He just wanted to be held so that this pain could finally freakin' end. He felt something sharp on his arm, but that pain was dull compared to the pain he had in his lungs. He slowly lost his conciousness slowly, and felt the familiar unknown wrap its arms around him.

The next time Namjoon regained his conciousness, his hair was being stroked softly. It was so familiar, that stroke. But Namjoon couldn't pinpoint who it was. He tried to open his eyes, and surprisingly, they opened. Namjoon came face to face with Yoongi, who sat there stroking his hair quietly as he talked to someone in a hushed voice.

"Hy-Hyung." Namjoon internally winced at how hoarse his voice sounded. Yoongi looked down in surprise at Namjoon. "Joon? You awake?" Namjoon blinked fast to clear his blurred vision. "How are you feeling Joon-ah?" Namjoon registered the question a bit late, still feeling dizzy from the bright lights around him. " 'm fine. Where's everyone?"

"Our dear Leader-nim is worried about everyone even when he's on a hospital bed huh?"

"Don't tease me hyung. I don't feel too well right now. Can you please call everyone? I want to make sure everyone is alright. "

"They're right outside Joon-ah, don't worry." Namjoon hummed as he closed his eyes to let Yoongi stroke his hair some more. But suddenly remembering, "Hyung, is Jin hyung alright? Is he fine? Oh my God, where is he? He was hurt a lot, God, Is he alright? Hyung, answer me." Namjoon tried to sit up, but a voice interrupted him.

"Don't you dare Joon-ah. I'm right here, you giant idiot." Namjoon could burst out crying by the amount of emotions he was feeling after he saw his hyung completely alright leaning at the door. Jin gave his donsaeng a small smile. Namjoon wanted to run to his hyung to hug him, but Yoongi patted him on his chest as a warning. Jin took his time coming to Namjoon's bed, Namjoon noticed. "Is something wrong hyung? Is your leg hurt?" Jin shook his head at Namjoon and sighed as Yoongi got up to give Jin his place to sit.

"Namjoon-ah, Can you stop worrying about everyone else for a second and just relax? God, look at yourself. I'm going to feed you atleast ten meals a day from now on." Namjoon giggled at his hyung.

"Hyung, why are the others not coming in?"

"They're not allowed to. The nurse gave them strict instructions after the fiasco they made when I was in the hospital. " Namjoon smiled. That's exactly what he expected from his bandmates. "They're gonna come in in a while though. You know what absolute impatient menaces those boys are." Jin shook his head with a fond look on his face and Namjoon reached out to hold Jin's hand. They sat like that for a while. Quiet and comfortable.

Namjoon noticed that Yoongi had left the room too. "Hyung, how did we end in here? How did we escape?" Jin looked up at Namjoon.

"Joon-ah, you'll know everything once we get out of here okay? Just relax right now. No stress, no overthinking. Just calm down. Recover properly, and then I'll tell you everything."

Namjoon frowned, he didn't like secrets; had always been to curious to have patience and too easy to keep them. Namjoon nodded with some reluctancy after a while, but as an afterthought, the comeback came to his mind. In his state, he had completely forgotten that he was an Idol.

"Hyung, the comeba—"

"Have been postponed. We'll have the comeback in May now. Lots of time to recover and become healthy again. We had just finished the tour when this while situation happened so the other boys are also still exhausted. So we're all going to recover, heal, and go back to our A.R.M.Y best then ever. Alright?"

"Alright, Hyung. Alright."

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