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"And CUT! Well done boys. You worked hard. " The director of their MV said.

The comeback was happening. In a month, their new music would be put out to the world. The recording had been done. Last minute touches and polishes were being done by all the boys.

It had been three weeks since Jungkook and Taehyung spoke to their eldest hyung. It was a very painful time. They were used to cuddles and forehead kisses, to holding hands and leaning on his shoulders, to sitting on his lap, to claiming any sort of affection they could get from him.

So when their hyung was angry with them, their hearts broke. It seemed that Jungkook and Taehyung really needed their Jin hyung. Every single time they approached him, he would find a way to avoid them. To an extent both boys understood the elder male, he was afraid of the affection they craved. It made sense because the three boys were not a couple.

Their Jin hyung always amazed them. Even though he was angry, he still cooked their favorite food. He still knew when they felt down and did things indirectly to cheer them up. Jungkook had a fever, and in his indirect way, Jin took care of him. That was the reason the boys adored the boy. Because he never failed to protect and take care of them.

The boyfriends had also noticed how close Jin and Namjoon had become in the span of three weeks. Although they were close before too, these three weeks had them completely tangled up.

Jimin had also become distanced from his Namjoon hyung. It wasn't something he wanted, but he didn't want to lead his hyung on. Namjoon was hurt at first, but he understood later on. Now, he also kept a respectable distance from the boy.

Although now that both the pair was away from their respective hyungs, they caught themselves staring at them a lot. Jimin would be looking at Namjoon as he practiced the new choreography with Hoseok and feeling a lot of jealousy. Sometimes he caught himself staring at Namjoon as he worked in the living room at his laptop.

Jimin had never been so confused; did he like Namjoon or not? On the other hand, Taehyung and Jungkook had been so used to Jin's affection that staring at him at different times didn't seem out of the ordinary.

Although Taehyung did once catch himself staring at his hyung's lips as they were sitting at the dining table eating dinner. He had the undeniable urge to kiss his hyung but shrugged the feeling off.

As the boys were seated in the van and were being driven in the van to their next location where they would be filming a Vlive, Hoseok felt the tension in the car. He and Yoongi had already talked to Jin and Namjoon about the reason they ignored the maknaes.

Namjoon was an open book, and it seemed he wasn't ignoring Jimin but it was the other way around. Jin though didn't relent and just shrugged the questions off. Yoongi sighed leaning on to Hoseok's shoulder.

"What do you think will happen? I feel like the group is falling apart." Yoongi whispered.

"It'll be okay. Everyone must face winter before they witness the spring. Don't worry Yoongi, we are a family. We'll make it out."

Yoongi sat straight and looked at his boyfriend. Hoseok was the reason he was currently surviving the atmosphere. Yoongi cupped Hoseok's face in his hands and gave him a bright smile. Hoseok returned it with one of his own and rubbed their noses together while giggling.

This didn't go unnoticed by Jin who smiled despite himself. He loved Yoongi and Hoseok together. They were the perfect pair; they brought out the best of each other, and Jin wished they would always remain together.

They soon arrived at their location; and in just a blink of an eye, the episode had been filmed and they were readying to leave. Jimin made accidental eye contact with Namjoon and looked away while frowning. He wasn't frowning at Namjoon but was frowning because of a headache. But Namjoon thought that he was the reason the boy frowned, and a hundred insecurities made it to his mind.

Suddenly the van didn't seem spacious enough. The pain in his chest wasn't fading.

"I'm going to go look for a restaurant for food. All of you go ahead." Jin said standing at the doorway of the van.

"I'm coming too hyung. It's dangerous to go alone. " This was the perfect chance for Namjoon; he needed to clear his head.

Jin nodded his head as permission and Namjoon quickly scurried off but not before making eye-contact with Jimin.

An uneasy feeling engulfed Yoongi. Something didn't feel right.

"Are you sure hyung? We can all go together to some takeout restaurant, or we can always get them to deliver it to our home." Yoongi said worriedly, he just had a bad feeling about sending his hyung and Namjoon alone.

"I'm sure Yoongi-ah. We have a long schedule tomorrow and by the time we get home, everyone would be exhausted. You guys can go ahead and shower till we reach the dorm. Okay?"

Yoongi nodded and Namjoon closed the door of the van. Jin made eye contact with Taehyung and Jungkook and gave them a small smile. No matter what, those boys would always be his weakness.

The boys in the van took off; not before waving at the two boys that had gone to buy them food. The anxious feeling in Yoongi was still there, but Hoseok made it better by holding his hand and sleeping on his chest the whole ride.

The boys reached home, each tired from their day. Jungkook took a shower first, with Taehyung and Jimin going in afterward. Hoseok went next and Yoongi went last.

After showering; Taehyung and Jungkook decided to clear the dorm so that at least one duty would be off their Jin hyung's shoulder. The other boys joined them too, with the exception of Jimin who fell asleep on the couch of the living room.

An hour passed, and then two, and it wasn't long before Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung started calling both the boys non-stop. After five hours had passed and the clock hit 12:47 am, Yoongi called BangPD.

The man had been anxious and gruff and told the boys that he was sending a team to look for both the boys.

He appeared half an hour later in the dorm. The moment he rang the doorbell, Jungkook had run to get the door hoping his Jin-hyung and Namjoon- hyung would be the one standing at the opposite side. But he was disappointed seeing it was Bang PD. Jimin had woken up now too and was stressed to the point of tears.

Another hour passed with the managers also appearing and a lot of calls from them and Bang PD to the police station.

At approximate 4:22 am in the morning, a message from Namjoon came to Hoseok.

"Now we are forever together."

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