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"Can you hear me? Dammit Jungkook-ah, can you hear me? Wake up, Please Wake up." Jungkook blinked his eyes open at the sound of his Yoongi hyung. He wasn't ready to face the world yet. Not anymore, not without his beloved oldest hyung and his leader. Everything was in a mess, a really scattered mess.

Jungkook blinked and sat up in his place on the couch.

"What's wrong, hyung? What are you doing here? Weren't you and Jimin gone to the hospital?"

"Yeah, We're back. Jimin went to pick up Hoseok and Taehyung from the studio. It wasn't Jin hyung and Namjoon, Again. I don't know if I should be thankful or not." Yoongi rubbed his eyes. He was tired, and extremely frustrated, while exhausted too completely from running around from one hospital to another all these days hoping for a sign for the two boys.

He didn't even know what was going on in the dorm, or even in the company for that matter. He didn't even know about any rumors. It had been six days since the boys went missing. With all the frantic search for them, he was sure at least some rumors must have spread. He was the only one that was never at home, usually with the police or investigating officers searching for them.

Hoseok had, on the other hand, taken Namjoon's place as the leader. He was handling everything, while Yoongi had dedicated himself to the search, the other three taking turns to accompany both of them.

Yoongi had dedicated himself to the search, but since he was a celebrity, some people had recognized him, so the Bang PD-nim had told him to stop and sit at home. This was the reason Yoongi was frustrated and angry.

He couldn't sit at home. He was the eldest, he had responsibilities. All the others looked up to him to bring them back. Not to mention how worried he was about his Seokjin hyung and Namjoon. Worst case scenarios ran in his mind, and he felt the familiar frustration return.

He felt the couch beside him move, and he knew Jungkook had sat up. They hadn't spoken, even when the two were together two days ago, searching through the forests. Yoongi felt bad for Jungkook; he was a kid, he shouldn't have been in this kind of situation. But then again, none of them should've been. Even if he was the eldest right now, he didn't know what to do. His hands were tied, he had nowhere to hide from the situation, no place to run to.

The main door opened, and Hoseok came in with Jimin. Hoseok was carrying take-out food with him. Yoongi looked around for Taehyung who was supposed to return with them. Upon not seeing him, Yoongi became anxious. Hoseok put the food on the table in front of the couch just as Jimin sat on the couch beside Yoongi.

Yoongi shot up from his place and looked at Hoseok with questioning eyes.

"Where the hell is Taehyung?" Hoseok met Yoongi's eyes and saw the worry in them. This was the first time he saw Yoongi since he left to search for his hyung and donsaeng three days ago. He looked tired, worn out, his stubble was unshaved and he had bags underneath his eyes. It must have been hard on him.

"He's at the company. He'll be back in a while. Let's eat, I will order take out for him." Hoseok motioned towards the food.

Red overcame Yoongi. How was Hoseok so nonchalant? They had lost two of their members just because they left them alone. And here this boy was acting as if nothing had happened and even telling him to eat. In his anger, he didn't notice the bags under Hoseok's eyes or the redness and puffiness of them. He didn't see the way his lover's back was slumped or the wrist that was wrapped in bandages. He was anxious, worried, and extremely tired. He didn't notice anything, anything at all.

"Are you fucking serious Hoseok? Are you seriously fucking telling me you left a member of our team, of our fucking family alone again? Are you seriously that stupid? Don't you have any such thing as common sense? Oh wait, you don't care anyway, so of course, you would leave him alone. " His voice was so loud that Jimin and Jungkook immediately shot up from their places and huddled together.

Hoseok's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden outburst. He too got enraged at the accusation.

"Yoongi hyung, lower your voice. You can't just judge me like that. Why in the world do you think I don't care? I..."

"Don't you fucking boss me around. I know you don't, you never once came to look for hyung and Namjoon. You never once asked to come to us. You only called and asked about them. I'm pretty sure you only fucking did that too because it would affect BTS. You don't fucking care about us, don't you? We're only band members to you, Aren't we? That's why you freaking left Taehyung alone too."

A long tense silence followed, and only then did Yoongi realize what he had said in anger. He had gone overboard, and the frustration and anger for himself filled his head. Hoseok looked at Yoongi with expressionless eyes and inhaled a deep breath.

"BangPD wanted to talk him about his and Jungkook's relationship. He had also called me to discuss my and your relationship. He had held talks with Namjoon about our relationships before but Namjoon never discussed it with us. He had apparently been lectured quite a bit and had taken responsibility for our relationship." Hoseok paused. Namjoon was the perfect leader.

"After this incident, Bang PD called us, both me and Taehyung to clarify that he had no ill intention and was just scared that the rumors might go out. Namjoon handled everything, and when Jimin was also dating Jungkook and Taehyung, then Jin-hyung stepped up and took responsibility." Hoseok's voice became hoarse and he raised his voice a bit, with teary eyes.

"I miss them just as much as you do. I care for them just as much as you do. The difference is, you can show it as you don't have anyone depending upon you, I can't Yoongi-hyung, I just can't. I have to handle four members and the work of six. I have to handle ARMY'S. I have to handle media and rumors. I have to not cry and toughen up when all I want is to run around looking for them too. From being a member, I've become a leader. Dealing with all of this while having a hole in my heart and constant thoughts of just how bad my two missing members are doing, Do you think it has been easy on me? I can't even go and look for them when I want to, Do you know how frustrating that is? Hyung I ..."

Hoseok had tears cascading down his face when the front door opened and Sejin rushed in. The manager looked extremely frantic and ignored whatever these boys were doing. The red face of Yoongi and the tear-stained face of Hoseok, as well as the shocked and scared faces of Jimin and Jungkook, were ignored. He only said one thing, and that was enough to make all of them forget what they were doing and run to the van.

"They've been found. They're at the hospital."

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