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A short drive later, we make it to the house.

Well, no, let me not call it a house.

A short drive later, we make it to the mansion.

Once I get out of the car I take a deep breathe.

I hear music blasting off of speakers.

Some people are outside with red cups in their hands and others are chilling with friends.

Imani comes up next to me and she has a huge smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I know you haven't been to a party in a while, but it'll be fun!"

If only you knew the reason why I never go to parties, I think to myself.

I smile at me sister. "Yeah, I know let's go!"

Once we walk into the party I immediately want to go home.

The music gets even louder and there is a little thingy with the disco lights on it.

Oh lucky rule number five, you're the first rule I break! I think to myself.

°Rule #5 Do not go to parties cause I am not a party type of person°

I let out a sigh and Imani and I walk to the kitchen.

"Have you seen Jordan?" I asked my sister. I have to shout over the loud music.

"Nope!" She shouts back.

I spot Brandon in the crowd and I gasp in excitement!

"I see Brandon, be right back!" I make my way through the crowd of people and Brandon smiles at me once he spots me.

"Hey Trinity, you came!" Brandon pulls me into a side hug.

"D'Angelo has been all over the place, but Jordan has been sitting over in a corner waiting for your sister. Where is she?" Brandon asked.

I look over at the kitchen and I wave Imani over.

She makes her way to were I am and Brandon sticks his hand out.

"I'm Brandon Ingram, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Imani, the pleasures all mine!" Imani shakes his hand.

"Brandon have you seen Trinity yet I haven't seen her?" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn around and I see D'Angelo, he has his head down and his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah actually, I'm here now!" I reply for Brandon.

D'Angelo looks up and he smiles at my sister.

She smiles back at him.

D'Angelo pulls her into a hug and my sister stands there with her arms on her sides looking at me with a confused look.

Brandon and I both hold in our laugh.

"Bro, that's not her!" Brandon says finally laughing.

I join in with him.

"Huh?" D'Angelo says.

"Imani," my sister does a shy wave.

"Trinity," I point to myself.

"Sorry," D'Angelo laughs. "It's dark in here!"


Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now