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A few weeks later, D'Angelo is on the plane going to a game.

He is supposed to come back today.

D'Angelo texted me saying that his flight was delayed by a few hours, so I go to the store and I grab some food to make him some tacos.

I drive to his house and I see that a light is on, I also see an unfamiliar car in front of his house.

I make a confused face and I unlock his front door with the spare key he gave me.

I walk to the kitchen and I see D'Angelo's shirt on the floor.

Placing the grocery bags on the counter, I look at D'Angelo's shirt.

I pick up the shirt and I start to walk to D'Angelo's room.

I see multiple pieces of clothing in front of his door.

My heart starts beating faster as I walk to his room.

The door is cracked open and I see a females shirt outside of his room door.

Don't assume anything! I try to calm myself down.

I hear a loud female moan followed by multiple moans that I'm familiar with because they belong to D'Angelo.

I peek inside of the room.

Sure enough, I see a girl on top of D'Angelo.

His hands are on her waist and he's helping her- he's helping her- they are obviously making love to each other.

My eyes start to sting as I look at the two of them for a few seconds.

I clear my throat.

I see D'Angelo look around the girl and his eyes widen.

"Trinity!" He groans.

The girl turns around and my jaw drops.

"N-niki?" I choke out.

I bite my lip and D'Angelo throws Niki off of him.

I turn to walk away tears flying down my cheeks.

I hear D'Angelo scrambling to put on his clothes.

I walk to my car and I'm about to open the car door, but I can't.

I see D'Angelo's hand holding the door closed.

I swallow. "If you don't let go of this door in five!"

I bite my lip blinking a few times.

D'Angelo turns me around so that I'm facing him.

"Four." I whisper while closing my eyes.

I do not want to look at him.

More tears fall down my face.

"Trinity, let me explain!" D'Angelo says grabbing my waist.

I smack his hand away.

"Three," I ignore him.

D'Angelo takes in a deep breathe.

"Please, just let me fucking explain!" D'Angelo says frantically.

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now