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"Brandon?" I say to myself.

I roll down the window to my car wiping my tears off my face.

"What are you doing pulled over?" Brandon asked.

"I just- I needed some fresh air!"

"Fresh air on the side of the road?" Brandon laughs.


"Well, it just so happens that I wanted some fresh air too!" Brandon replies.

I open my car door and I look Brandon up and down.

He looks like he is in workout clothes.

He has on some basketball shorts and no shirt.

"Can we go somewhere, I actually need to talk?" I asked.

"I know the perfect spot to talk!" Brandon nods his head. "I'll drive!"

Brandon walks me to the passenger side of my car and he opens it.

"Thank you!"

I get into the car and Brandon jogs around hopping into the car's drivers side.

Brandon looks at me.

"Do you have something to cover your eyes with?" Brandon asked.

I giggle at him. "Why? So you can take me to a secret place and kidnap me?"

Brandon makes a surprised face. "How'd you know?"

I just laugh harder.

"Here!" I hand a cloth to Brandon.

He puts the cloth around my eyes and I feel him wave his hand in front of it.

"Can you see?" Brandon asked me.

I shake my head no.

I feel the car move for a while and then it stops.

"We have to walk the rest of the way!" Brandon says.

"Okay, but I can't see!"

I hear Brandon open his car door and then I feel my door open as well.

Not being able to see, I just sit there.

Suddenly, I feel a hand grab my hand.

I flinch away scared.

"Trinity, it's me, calm down."

Brandon helps me through a short walk.

"Okay, are you ready?" Brandon asked.


Brandon uncovers my eyes and I open them to see the Hollywood sign.

I let out a gasp as I look out at the city.

"It looks even better at night!" Brandon says walking next to me

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"It looks even better at night!" Brandon says walking next to me.

"Oh I can't wait!" I sit down on a rock that's fairly large and Brandon sits on one as well.

"So, we have some fresh air," Brandon takes in a deep breathe. "And two people, with nothing to do but talk!"

I laugh.

Brandon has always been such a kind friend to me.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about why you were crying but I have to ask-" Brandon stops himself before sighing. "-did D'Angelo, did he do something to hurt you?"

I tell Brandon everything.

"That guy, he's so stupid!"

Woah, let's change the subject.

I don't wanna think about Dlo.

"Why were you out running?" I asked Brandon.

He looks out at the city.

"I go on jogs around my house when I'm feeling nervous or when I need to clear my head."

Almost immediately I reply. "What's on your mind? Girl problems BI?" I giggle.

Brandon looks at me shaking his head no.

"Your boy is single!" Brandon sighs.

He mumbles something under his breathe and I look at him.

"What?" I asked.


I stare at Brandon and I laugh.


Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now