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About ten minutes later, Brandon pulls into the Santa Monica Pier.

I smile because I've heard so much about the pier, but I've never been here before.

I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt hopping out of Brandon's car.

He follows after me with a small backpack.

He looks me up and down before handing me the backpack.

"You have some belongings in there!"

"Okay, thanks babe!" I accidentally say.

"What?" Brandon looks at me in shock.

"Nothing!" I immediately say while opening the backpack. "Nothing, I just said thanks!"

"Mhm," Brandon hums amused.

I search though the backpack and I see a swimsuitsuit and a cover up.

"Go put it on, I'll wait here for you." Brandon says.

I nod my head and I go change in a nearby restroom.

I place my clothes in the bag and then I walk out to Brandon.

He whistles at me.

"Damn, my baby's fine!"

"Damn, my baby's fine!"

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"Huh?" I asked him. "Baby, don't you mean friend?"

"That's what I said!" Brandon chuckles smirking a bit.

Brandon grabs my hand before we walk towards the arcade.


Both of us play air hockey and let's just say Brandon needs to stick with basketball.

Hockey just isn't his sport!

Right now, we are playing a racing game.

"Ready to get whooped?" I asked him.

Brandon laughs. "I'm ready to whoop you!"

I select my character and car and then the race begins.

After playing a bunch of more games, Brandon and I decided on going out to the water.

Brandon steps into the water and I smile at him.

"Is it cold?" I asked him.

"Come in and see for yourself!"

I giggle before taking off my swimsuit cover up and putting a toe in the water.

I flinch back. "It's freezing!"

I look up expecting to see Brandon, but I don't.

I feel Brandon snake his arms around me.

He throws me into the water and I let out a scream.

Once I resurface, I flick Brandon off.

He laughs and joins me in the water.


Sorry for not updating, I've been camping!

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now