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The next day, I go on my morning run with D'Angelo.

After we are done, I hug D'Angelo before he goes home.

I get in the shower and then I get dressed for the movies.

I meet Chris at the theater as promised and we catch up with each other.

We get along just like old times and it feels nice to speak with an old friend.

After the movie, Chris and I part ways.

I drive home and I flop down on my bed.

I get out my phone and I look at the time.

"Twelve thirty, I start work at three, so I'm going to take a nap."


I wake up and I get ready for work.

I say goodbye to Imani and I walk to my car driving to work.

My shift goes by pretty quickly and I make my way back home.

I lock the front door and I take a shower.

As I'm showering I hear my front door close.

It must be Imani.

I keep on showering and I get out drying myself off and putting on my robe.

I walk to the kitchen and I grab an apple.

I see a note on the refrigerator.

'Jordan and I met up to talk...idk how long I'll be gone. -Imani'

Then who came in my front door? Mabey I was imagining it.

I walk down the hallway that leads to my room and I hear footsteps behind me.

I slowly turn around and I see Chris standing there.

My heart starts to beat faster.

"Chris? How'd you get my address?" I aksed. "How'd you even get in my house?"

"I followed you home from work, my love."

I slowly start to back away.

"Where are you going?" Chris takes a step forward.

I swallow. "I think you should go!"

"Why, so your little D'Angelo can come over?" Chris asked.

I've never seen him like this, he's scaring me.

"Chris please just go!" I say calmly.

"Answer my question!" Chris yells. "That nigga is coming over isn't he! He's taking you away from me and I don't like it!"

"It doesn't matter, we aren't together anymore!"

He steps forward and he grabs my wrist squeezing them.

"Tell me you love me!"

I don't.

I look at Chris and I shake my head no.

I kick him in his private part and I start to run to my room.

After a second, Chris immediately takes off after me.

I close my room door and I lock it.

"Trinity, open the door, I just wanna talk!" Chris bangs on the door.

Tears begin to stream down my face.

"Chris please just calm down!" I scream.

This nigga is crazy!

I grab my phone from my pocket and I try to unlock my phone.

I keep on failing because I'm shaking uncontrollably.

I finally unlock it and I call D'Angelo.

Chris keeps on banging on the door.

"I saw you together- you and him!" Chris says. "You looked so in love, you looked at him like he was me!"

The phone rings and D'Angelo picks up.

"If you don't open this door I'll break it down!" Chris screams kicking the door.

"Hello?" D'Angelo says.

"Dlo," I whisper into the phone.

"You better not be on the phone with him!" Chris bangs on the door.

"Who's that? Are you oka-"

"My ex- he he's at my house! D'Angelo he's trying to hurt me!"

Chris hits the door and I let out a scream.

"Trin, hang up and call the cops, I'm on my way! Call the cops!" D'Angelo says. I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Don't hang up!" I sob.

"I'll break the door down Trinity!" Chris kicks the door repeatedly.

I back away from the door and I go to a corner sliding down my wall sobbing uncontrollably.

"Please hurry up D'Angelo, please. He's gonna break the door down!" I cry.

"I'm trying- I'm almost there, just a few more minutes!"

He's too late, Chris kicks the door open.

I let out a scream dropping my phone.

"Trinity? Trinity!" I hear D'Angelo faintly say.

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now