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D'Angelo and I jog the nature trail that is marked around me neighborhood.

We are currently taking a break at the three mile mark.

"Are you tired yet?" D'Angelo asked.

"No, are you?"

D'Angelo shakes his head no.

"You know you can say you're tired right, you don't have to impress me!" D'Angelo says jokingly.

"Please, I could run for hours!"

"Oh really?" He asked taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah, I was in cross country in high school, three miles is lightwieght!"


We keep on jogging around my community and we stop at the five mile point.

We walk back to my house and D'Angelo keeps on looking at me.

"What?" I asked looking down.

"You look beautiful without your makeup, why do you even wear it?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Well, I think you look perfectly fine without it!" D'Angelo smiles at me and I blush.

We make it to my house and I stop outside of my front door.

I stand there looking down and D'Angelo clears his throat.

"I've talked to Jordan and he wanted to talk to your sister in person," D'Angelo says.

"Do you wanna come inside and tell her?" I asked.

"I told her while you were getting dressed, but she doesn't want to meet up with him."

"Shit, I understand why..."

"Yeah me too,"

I look at D'Angelo and I look at his lips.

"So hot," I think aloud.

"Thank you," D'Angelo smirks.

"What?" I say confused. "I wasn't talking about you, I'm saying it's so hot out here!"

D'Angelo nods his head and I roll my eyes.

We both start to laugh.

"Do you want food or something?" I asked D'Angelo turning around to unlock my front door.

I feel D'Angelo starting at my bum and I turn back around.

"Hey, keep your eyes up here!" I smile at D'Angelo.

I walk inside of the house and D'Angelo just whistles while shaking his head.


A few days later, I walk to the mailbox.

I walk back inside of my house and I see Imani inside eating cereal.

I look down at the mail and I see another package.

I open it and I see a picture of D'Angelo and I.

I flip it over and it says 'you two look so happy together'.

It's from a couple of days ago.

"Imani," I hand her the picture and she looks at me obviously worried.

"Mabey we should get you in self defense classes."

I nod my head and I go search up self defense classes.

I stay with Imani and I sleep in her room.

I'm too freaked out to stay by myself tonight.


A few weeks later, I start my self defense classes.

I go jogging with D'Angelo every day.

After class I get a text from Chris and D'Angelo.

Dlo make sure you keep your eyes open, Fun-sized.

Of course, Giant.

I smile at my phone.

D'Angelo and I have been texting and calling each other.

Dlo if you need anything at any time, I'll be there for you.

Thanks Dlo 😘❤

I go to the message that Chris sent me.

Chris Hey. Guess who's in the area?


Chris yeah, we should catch a movie or something while im here.

Sure, when?

Chris you free tomorrow?

You know I have no life 😂

Chris I'm gonna take that as a yes?

Yeah. I'll meet you at the movies, I'll send you the address.

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now