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After work, Renae and I wait for our rides.

"Who is picking you up?" Renae asked me.

"My friend, how about you?"

"My boyfriend!"

"Who's your boyfri-" I get cut off by a car pulling up towards the curb.

The window rolls down and I hear a male voice say "Hey baby,"

Renae steps toward the car and she says something that I can't hear.

The drivers side of the car opens and out steps a tall macular person, not just a person, it's Larry Nance Jr.

"You're dating Larry Nance Jr, I thought he was single?"

Larry walks over to me and he puts out a hand.

"We keep things low key!" Renae says.

I shake Larry's hand and D'Angelo pulls up.

"Are you ready b-Larry?" D'Angelo says confused.

"Hey teammate!" Larry says to D'Angelo.

Renae and I laugh.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, but I should get going!" I smile at Larry and he smiles back.

"We'll talk later!" I tap Renae's shoulder and she smiles at me.

I go to D'Angelo's car and he opens the door for me.

"Thanks," I smile at D'Angelo while getting in the car.

D'Angelo gets inside of the car and he changes the song on his speaker.

Once he does that, he drives off.

"I have to stop by my house real quick, I have to pack a bag!" D'Angelo says.

I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm confuddled, why do you need a bag?" I asked D'Angelo.

"What the hell is confuddled?" D'Angelo chuckles stopping at a light.

"Sorry, I'm confused!" I say laughing. "British side of me coming out!"

"I like when you mix British words with American words, it's cute." D'Angelo glances at me and I glance at him blushing a bit.

You will not break rule number one, Trinity!

We make it to D'Angelo's house and I walk inside with him.

He grabs his backpack and some clothes before walking back to me.

"You thirsty?" D'Angelo asked.

I nod my head.

"I bet you are," D'Angelo smirks.

"Ew, I hate you you you-"

"-you?" D'Angelo says.

"You, just you!" I smile to myself walking over to the kitchen.

D'Angelo walks over to me, his 6′ 5″ figure towering over my 5' 5" figure.

My heart begins to beat faster and I look down.

D'Angelo grabs my chin making me look at him.

I look into his eyes and then I look at his lips.

I see D'Angelo do the same to me.

I let out an awkward laugh and D'Angelo continues to look at me.

His eyes look up and down my body.

I shift my weight to the side and I look away from D'Angelo.

Why is he staring at me like this? I blush slightly.

I hear D'Angelo laugh nervously and I look up at him.

"What?" I asked.

D'Angelo shakes his head.

I rub my arm awkwardly.

D'Angelo yanks me towards him and covered my mouth with his in one quick motion.

I respond immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck.

D'Angelo's lips are so warm, his lips are softer than I imagined before.

D'Angelo moves his toungue along my bottom lip, and I open my mouth with a low moan.

We begin to French Kiss.

D'Angelo's hands make their way to my pants and I begin to freak out.


I make my way to the room with Brian, my crush since fifth grade, I'm now in eighth grade.

We both decided that it was a good time to step away from the party.

He closes the door and immediately pulls me into a kiss.

I kiss him back for a while and he lays me down on the bed his body on top of mine.

He starts to unbuckle my pants and I pull away from the kiss.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Brian kisses my neck.

"It'll be fun, come on!"

His kisses trail down my stomach.

"No stop," I say trying to push him off of me.

He doesn't listen to me.

I keep on trying to push him off of me.

"Hey, get off of her!" someone yells.

He pulls me Brian off of me and Brian walks out of the room angry as hell.

"T-thank you!" I say to the guy who just saved me from being raped.

"No problem, I'm uh, I'm Chris!" The guy says putting a hand out.

"Trinity," I say smiling to him.


That's the reason I don't go to parties, it's not that I don't like them, it's just I almost got raped at one.

My eyes fly open and I push away from D'Angelo.

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now