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After I help my sister calm down, I get a text from my ex boyfriend, Chris.

Chris Hey Trinity, how's LA treating you?

Chris and I dated for three years before I broke up with him.

See, Chris would become a little bit of a control freak and he was so parinoid about me cheating on him.

He would always question me and want to be with me twenty four seven.

I need some me, myself, and I time sometimes.

Whenever I asked for it Chris would get all upset and start freaking out.

Hey LA is good. It's really nice.

Almost immediately Chris replies.

Chris I really miss you.

I miss you too. How are you?

Chris I'm good. My job accepted my transfer to another location.

Another location? Are you moving somewhere?

Chris yeah, I didn't tell you?


Chris I'm moving to Vegas!

Oh how cool!

Chris yeah very cool

Chris mabey we could meet halfway for lunch or something?

That's a long drive...

Chris true true.. I'd drive across the whole world just to see you tho beautiful 😘

Aha thanks 💕

Chris no problem

I let out a sigh.

At least he isn't moving to Los Angeles, I wouldn't be able to take it!

I walk to Imani's room to check on her and she is asleep.

I decided on going to Chipotle since we both love Chipotle.

I get our burritos and then I go home.

Once I make it back, Imani is awake.

"Let's get off our lazy bums and do something today!" I say handing Imani her food.

She thanks me before asking. "What do you want to do?"

"Let's go get our nails done and see a movie?" I suggest. "I'll pay!"

"Okay, sure sounds fun. What do you want to see?"

"Let's go see whatever scary movie we haven't seen yet!"

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now