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The next day I wake up with a headache and no shirt on!

What the- why don't I have a shirt on!

I look over and I see D'Angelo sleeping next to me, he also has no shirt on.

My eyes widen and I let out a tiny scream.

I do a silent tantrum to myself.

"No, please tell me we didn't get laid, please tell me we didn't have sex!" I pray to myself.

Mabey D'Angelo knows!

I grab my pillow that I slept with and I cover my chest with it.

I walk over to D'Angelo and I poke his cheek.

"Wake up!" I whisper.

He doesn't wake up.

I try shaking him and he still doesn't wake up.

He's a heavy sleeper!

I see a water bottle and I open it.

I slowly pour water on my hands and then I pour it on D'Angelo.

He still doesn't wake up.

I hit him with the pillow I have and I hear him moan.

I cover myself up with the pillow and I blink a few times looking at D'Angelo.

"D?" I asked trying to see if he's awake.

"Hm?" He replies still half asleep.

"Wake up!" I smack his arm.

D'Angelo sits up and and he looks at me.

"Goodmorning to you too!" He rubs his eyes and lets out a yawn.

"Goodmornin', did you sleep well?" I asked D'Angelo.

He nods his head. "Did you?" He asked me.

"Mhm," I reply.

"Good," he says.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Last night did we um..." I trail off.

"Have sex?" D'Angelo finishes for me.

"Yeah, that."

"No, we just- well you," D'Angelo studders. "We just kissed, you tried to, but I didn't let you,"

"Oh thank the Lord!" I smile.

"What's wrong with having sex with me?" D'Angelo asked.

"You probably have a bunch of girls who come over to fuck you all the time!"

"Hey, just cause I'm a well known Laker player doesn't mean I'm a walking STD!" D'Angelo says. "I've had sex with one person. My momma raised a good boy and-"

"-Hey, who said I cared?" I cut him off glancing up at him.

D'Angelo smirks. He was going to speak but then he closes his mouth.

"That's what I thought!" I smile at D'Angelo who is shaking his head at me.

"Um, can I- can I have a shirt please?" I asked D'Angelo.


"Please!" I roll my eyes.

D'Angelo thinks for a second before shaking his head no.

"Fine, whatever!"

I keep on holding the pillow against my chest.

"I'm kidding, I'm not that mean!" D'Angelo gets out of bed and he hands me a shirt.

I put it on and it goes all the way down to my knees.

"Thank you!" I smile at him.

"You're not welcome!" D'Angelo replies. "Your sister is in the room down the hall to your left, I think she's still asleep!"

I glance at D'Angelo and I smile at him.

"Thank you for opening up your home to us and letting me and my sister stay it was very generous of you!"

"I was just being nice to my new friends, no biggie right?" D'Angelo smiles back.

I don't reply I just flash him another smile before walking to my sister.

Sure enough, she is sleep!

I shake her a few times while whispering her name.

She doesn't wake up.

I see her phone buzz and a notification pops up.

323-306-5229 sorry I had to leave in a hurry, I have a photo shoot today.

323-306-5229 it's Jordan,By the way, last night was fun! 😉

I didn't mean to read the messages.

That last one has me worried. 'Last night was fun' with a winky face? What did they do last night? I think to myself while looking at Imani.

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now