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Brandon and I walk up to the pier and we play a few carnival games before we leave the pier.

Brandon pulls into a Pizza Hut and he looks over at me.

"You like pizza, right?" Brandon asked while turning off the car.

I nod my head.

"Cool," he gets out of the car walking into the Pizza Hut.

While I wait I start to hum to myself.

Before I know it, I'm singing to myself.

I grab my phone making a group chat with my old band mates in it.

Trin❗✨ Hey ladies, we should start a band (again)


Priscilla☺ Sure anything for my mates

Jaz⚡ yeah, why not


Trin❗✨ oh yeah, the British Baddies are back!

I lock my phone right as Brandon opens his car door.

I smile at him.

"My old band is back together!" I say

"Yay, I can hear your beautiful voice again!"

Brandon looks at me while he buckles his seatbelt.

"We all know it's not going to happen," I laugh. "We've all moved to different parts of the world.

"You wanna go to my house or yours?" He asked.

"Whichever is closer," I shrugg.

Brandon nods his head.


Once we make it to Brandon's house, we sit in the living room watching Spanglish.

Brandon hasn't seen this movie, it's one of my favorites.


After the movie, Brandon and I sit on the couch playing Never Have I Ever.

"Never have I ever kissed a boy!" Brandon says.

I put my finger down.

"Never have I ever kissed a girl!" I smirk at Brandon.

He puts a finger down.

I have one finger and Brandon also has one finger left.

"Never have I ever just kissed my someone that I'm interested in." He says.

I look at Brandon and I smile at him.

I start to lean in and I peck his lips.

"I've done it before..." I trail off.

Brandon stares deeply into my eyes as if he's trying to read me.

I blush slightly looking away.

Brandon grabs my chin making me look at him.

His eyes look at my lips and then he leans in.

Our lips connect and we both share a sweet kiss with each other.


The last chapter of this story will be posted tomorrow or today.

Depends on when you guys want it ☺.

Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now