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The next day I get ready for work.

As I am getting ready, Imani taps my shoulder.

"You should try to get information out of Jordan today, you know see if he enjoyed talking to me!"

I shake my head no. "If he enjoyed the conversation with you, then he will text you again later,"

Imani frowns and she puts sticks her toungue out. "Boo, you suck!"

I laugh and I walk out of our shared house.


I make my way to work.

The first three hours are okay, but I'm looking forward to when the Laker boys come after practice.

I have to admit, they are hella funny and a little eye candy isn't a bad thing!

I wipe down the tables and then I go on a quick break.

When I come back, it should be time for them to be here.

After my break I get back to work.

A few minutes later the sound of a fan goes off and I look up to see the NBA players.

"Hey Trinity!" Brandon says to me.

He holds up his hand trying to give me a high five.

I look him up and down but then I give him a high five.

"Hi Brandon," I smile at him.

"Give me a small fry please," Brandon says.

D'Angelo walks up to the cash register too.

"Hey B, don't forget to ask her!" D'Angelo says.

"Ask me what?" I asked Brandon handing him his receipt.

"My friends are throwing a party and Jordan wanted me to ask you to ask your sister if she wanted to come!" Brandon says looking at me then he smiles.

Brandon lowers his voice so only I can hear him. "Of course you could come too, it'd make Dlo happy!"

"No thanks, I have never been a fan of parties," I walk to get Brandon his fries.

When I return, Brandon looks at me. "Come on everyone likes parties!"

"Yeah, everyone likes parties," I pause before continuing to speak. "Except the people who don't like parties,"

"Touche," Brandon smirks. 

He looks at me. "Can I have a ranch please?"

I nod my head grabbing him a ranch.

"At least think about it, okay?" Brandon goes to take a seat with his friends.

I nod my head.

I thought about it, and the answer is no!


When I get home, Imani is asleep.

I wake her up.

"Jordan didn't ask about you," I tell her.

Technically that isn't a lie, it was Brandon asked for my sister for Jordan.

"You liar, Jordan texted me inviting me to a party tomorrow night! He said that Brandon told you, but you said no!"

"Yeah, cause we aren't going!"

"Please, if you love me!" Imani begs.

"I love you, bu-" I get inturupted by Imani.

"-So it's settled then, we are going!" Imani runs away.

I groan then I follow her.

"We need outfits!" I say to her.

"Let's go shopping then!" Imani puts on her sliders.


Remember Me | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now