Mothman x Reader pt 1

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Why hasn't God struck me down yet?

You and a friend decided to use your gap year to find the Mothman in West Virginia instead of backpacking through Europe or doing work for charities. You were always fascinated by the stories and the legend of the Mothman and decided that it would be fun and exciting for you to see if the legend was true or not.

You had to beg and plead a lot to get your friend to join you on your journey. Packing all of the essentials, (snacks, snacks, snacks, and more snacks) you and your best friend: Bf/N hopped in your shitty van and started on a pretty stupid but interesting road trip to find your husbie.

You saw many different national land marks on the way to West Virginia. It made you happy to see that Bf/N was having fun as well. You guys took many pictures of the different "Ripley's Believe it or Not" attractions on the way as well. Your personal favorite was how many shrunken heads you could count in each attraction.

That and the supposed werewolf skull that the owner was oh so proud of.

The carpet bagger always makes cool videos on attractions he visits across America so if you were wondering what they were here is a video on one!

Once you made it to Point Pleasance you and your friend began to interview some eager townsfolk about the Mothman and the supposed sightings. You approached an old crotchety man and began to ask him questions about the various sightings.

"The Mothman ay? Well, I happen to know where the best dwells!" He said matter o' factly.

"Will you please lead us to his location sir?" You asked with determination gleaming in your E/C eyes. He looked at a loss for words and stammered a little as he spoke.

"Er, well, I'll tell you where he is.. I have many chores to do so I can't show you EXACTLY.. He lives amongst the trees deep in the forest to the south of this here spot. Just, look for signs." He quickly added and began to walk back into his house with a hurried pace.

"Well, that was encouraging." Bf/N said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your friend's hand and led him/her back to the van. After loading some gas into the vehicle and putting out the word that you were going to go out into the woods so that people would remember you guys if you died.

"It's just a precaution!" You assured your friend. "Whatever man, if we die I'm going to kill you." He/she said.

After a couple of hours of searching in the woods you guys retired to your van. Unfortunately, (or is it?), your van refused to start. It gave a sort of sputtering cry for release as you tried to restart the engine to no avail.

"Ok, don't freak out Bf/N, but I think we're stuck in the woods." You said anxiously trying to keep your wavering voice level. He/she just sighed and lit up a cigarette.

"Hey! Don't light that cig here! It's the woods, ya could burn down the whole forest!" You stated as you yanked it out of his/her hand.

"I'm sorry! I just do that when I'm nervous geez." He/she said.

"Well, don't be nervous! We can still make it out of these woods if we follow the tire tracks!"

"What tire tracks?"

You turned to look behind the van and noticed that the pine needles had absorbed the tire tracks and left nothing behind. Now you were completely hopeless.

"W-well, we can still just head the way we came from!" You said trying to scramble up some courage and hope.

Your friend shrugged and pulled out a flashlight from her backpack. It was starting to get very dark very quick.

The two of you began to traverse the woods to try and get back to the town. Perhaps waiting in the van was the smarter decision, but you guys weren't exactly Einstein and Neal Degrasse Tyson.

You heard a strange noise like a sort of chittering and clicking and you pointed the flash light's beam up into the trees. You saw nothing.

Your friend noticed you were frantically searching the trees and pointed his/her flashlight up too. After about a minute of scanning the trees you shook your head and continued on.

However you kept hearing the noise and you paused as you heard a SWOOSH from up above.

"What the fuck! Ok, I'm going back to the van, fuck you for this trip, Y/N." Bf/N said while running frantically back towards the van.

"WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME!" You said. You felt a whoosh of cold air behind you as a massive figure landed behind you. You felt paralysed but you managed to turn around and what you saw horrified you.

Seeing the mythical creature before you in person made you feel faint and weak. He was tall towered over you. His face was definitely moth like and he had massive red orbs for eyes. His feathered wings spread out behind him his antennae twitched at you.

He cocked his head and looked at you. Slightly cooing. You blacked out and fainted. The last thing you saw was him swooping towards you to catch you with his clawed hands.

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