The Pale Man x Reader

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One of the best monster concepts I've ever seen to be honest.

Pan's Labyrinth is in Spanish, and I can speak Spanish fairly well, but I don't want to go through the hassle of having to translate it all so this will be in English.

Also I haven't seen the movie in awhile so pardon me for mistakes and continuity errors. So it will not be exactly like the movie.

You were a young woman eager for adventure and had journeyed with Ofelia and her mother to the old mill to protect Carmen and her high risk pregnancy.

You were their gardener. Always giving Ofelia small daisies that you grew whenever you could, to help her with the dilemma of her unborn  brother. Captain Videl was very haughty and rude around the two of you. Only ever caring about his son. It didn't matter to him whether or not Carmen would die. So you made sure to be another adult figure in Ofelia's life. Being her protector of sorts.

You were out in the forest with Ofelia. She was telling you some stories she had read when she was littler. Stories of ogres and fairies. You smiled as you listened to her outlandish and creative tales. Dreaming of a life that was different and new as you picked mushrooms.

Ofelia knelt down and picked up a strange stone eye. Her deep brown orbs scanning the forest curiously. Searching for the statue the eye belonged to.

A sizable stone statue stared unseeing at the quaint woods. A gaping hole where it's eye used to be. Ofelia pondered for awhile and placed the eye in its rightful place.

You stopped walking and turned around to see a massive insect climb out of a crack where the statue's mouth would be. You froze in disgust at it. Leading Ofelia away from the forest and back to her mother. She was resting in a large bed. The comforter blankets and sheets pulled around her.

You sighed in worry at her pale form. It was no wonder why she was so sickly. She should never have traveled in the first place to this ghastly mill. You grabbed a small wash cloth and wet it gently with water you gathered in a small bowl in the corner of the drab room.

You dabbed her forehead gently with the cool cloth and comforted her with kind words. Ofelia looked concerned and scared for her mother. You gave her a reassuring smile.

Later that evening, Ofelia woke you up by shaking your shoulder.

"Ofelia? What is the meaning of this?" You mumbled sleepily. Rubbing your heavy eyes. Ofelia explained to you that a fairy had woken her up, and that the two of you needed to follow it.

You lifted your eyebrow in disbelief, but decided to follow Ofelia anyways. She led you to her and Carmen's room. Where sure enough, a small pixie like being fluttered in the air on gossamer wings.

You stared unbelievingly at the sight. Wondering if you were still sleeping. The fairy motioned for the two of you to follow it. You let Ofelia pull your hand and lead you. Dumbfounded, you didn't say a word as you quietly left the house and walked into the woods.

Pretty soon you and Ofelia were deep in the woods. The fairy led you into a strange circle. With mysterious carvings and wood statuettes. While you were busy observing your surroundings, the fairy had awoken the Faun.

What you thought was a wooden figure was actually a living breathing goat man. He called himself the Faun. Ofelia was amazed at this. He began to tell the two of you of your destinies. You were to help Ofelia return to her true family. For she was a child of a king, and the rightful ruler of the underground kingdom.

The Faun gave her her first task, the task of retrieving a key from a giant toad. You cringed at the thought. Ofelia seemed eager to prove herself worthy however, and you were to assist her throughout her journey.

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