Aswang x Reader

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Enjoy, I haven't exactly written in awhile so I hope you like this crusty ass fanfic.

On your senior trip in high school you had decided to take a small if not much needed vacation to the Philippines to visit your sister and her new girlfriend Holly. If you don't have a sister fucking pretend, it's a one shot of you dating a mythical monster, it's not going to accurately represent your actual life.

You were happy to finally escape your parents and "friends" that constantly belittled and angered you. You hadn't seen your sister since your junior year and you were very happy to see her and her main squeeze. You were taken around a small and seemingly insignificant town that your sister was staying in. She was a forensic pathologist and was studying the deaths of pregnant women.

Apparently the fetuses were "sucked" right out of the mothers. It horrified you but you couldn't help but feel very intrigued. You found a dingy little motel and shuffled to the man at the front desk. It was dusty and looked as if it was in disrepair. Your eyes scanned the room and you could see two forlorn couches resting on either side of the room. The man at the front desk looked tired and his eyes were bloodshot.

He had a dark olive complexion and almond shaped eyes. He looked bored until he saw you. His demeanor perked up right away and he fixed a smile on his face. It looked forced but you appreciated his effort.

"Um, I'm here for a room, I mean clearly that's why I'm here but I just wanted to make con..versation." You awkwardly said. Rocking on your heels to try and ease your anxiety. You were terrible at the whole talking thing in general. The man didn't seem to mind. He cocked his head and laughed gently at you. Not in a mocking way, more like in an amused sort of way.

You half smiled and handed him your credit card. He swiped it and gave you a slightly rusted room key.

"What's your name, Ms?" He asked. Yawning and waiting for your response as he leaned back in his chair.

"Oh, um, my name is Y/ N L/N. I'm actually just visiting here."

"Family or?-"

"Yeah, my sister came here to study the recent deaths in the town. It's kinda creepy, but she likes it. Plus her significant other lives here too so."

The man sucked in a deep breath at the mention of the murders. You furrowed your brows as you saw his demeanour change from easy going to nervous at the conversation.

"The murders huh? That's some pretty deep stuff. I wonder who's doing it?" He recovered in an instant. Trying to maintain the flow of the conversation.

"Hopefully my big sis will figure it out before I leave, yikes!" You shook as if the murderer was in the cramped room with you.

The man chuckled and rested his cheek on his callused palm. "I haven't even asked your name sir." You apologized.

"That's really not important Ms. L/N. All that matters is that you get your room and I get paid." He joked. You giggled and waved goodbye to him. Smiling to yourself as you walked the hall leading to a series of rooms. Finding your room was easy considering the smallness of the motel. You unlocked it and kicked off your shoes before plummeting on your bed.

A cloud of dust enveloped you as you hit the blankets and you coughed. Growling and setting your purse and suitcase down. Closing your eyes and getting as comfortable as you could for a quick power nap.

Five hours later and you woke up. You wanted to punch yourself for sleeping for so long. You woke up to something rustling outside of your window. You peered down and noticed the man at the desk suspiciously walking outside alone in the moonlight. You pulled your pants and shoes on and walked down the hall. Making sure to lock your door.

You exited the motel and began to ran towards him. He turned around quickly at the sound of your footsteps. His eyes seemed to glow red, and he ran farther from you. You pursued him stubbornly into the sparse rainforest behind the motel. You dodged vines and massive leaves while still in hot pursuit.

Eventually you made it into a slightly muddy clearing. Seeing as it was a rainforest it made sense for it to be humid and rainy as all hell. The man's skin changed and shifted. The muscles on his back contorted and writhed underneath his graying flesh. You stopped, horrified, and stood waiting for him to turn around and tear you to shreds.

It was like a horrifying auto crash, you just couldn't look away. His upper body detached from his torso and entrails flew behind him. Hanging grotesquely and wetting the moist ground with black blood. Dripping slightly as he swerved to look into your eyes. His mouth elongated into a muzzle and he snarled and made a strange "tik tik" sound at you.

His eyes burned bright red and massive bat's wings sprouted from his back as loose fur draped his shoulders. A long proboscis shot out from his fanged mouth and licked the side of your face. You screamed and tumbled backwards to escape the slimy tongue.

He lunged himself at you and you closed your eyes and prepared for the inevitable. It never came.

He cocked his furry head at you and spoke to you in a voice familiar and comforting.

"It's me, your friendly neighborhood Aswang. Or as you know me as, your friendly neighborhood motel worker." He attempted a smile but it looked as if his face was trying to split open. Hot tears poured from your eyes as he shushed you gently.

"I'm sorry I scared you, I didn't recognize you at first. That's my fault." He apologized as you picked yourself up. He helped you up as well and you clinged to his muscled furry arm.

"Why, why didn't you kill me?" You whispered. Scared to raise your voice.

"Because I like you, Ms. Y/ N. You're kind of a dork. A very charming cute dork." You snorted at this. You couldn't believe what was happening.

"Am I being seduced by a monster?" You thought. You didn't have time to ponder it further as he had swung you off your feet.

"Let's get out of here. No offense, but I really don't want to be seen with you in the open behind this shitty motel." The Aswang chuckled and propelled himself into the air. You bit back a scream knowing it would wake up and alert people to you and your newfound friend.

"Well, I can't say it hasn't been nice, but I should really get back to the hotel."

"Fuck the motel! Let's fly for awhile!" He shouted over the wind.

"What has my life come to?" You rolled your eyes as you swerved in the air and clutched onto his wings.

Damn first fanfic in awhile lmao. Tell me how it went.

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