Jalhalla x Reader

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Big fat poe.

You were the daughter of Ruto, the original princess of the Zoras. Of course, your people evolved into the Ritos, the bird folk of Dragon Roost Island. You however were frozen in Zora's Domain one hundred years ago. Dormant and immovable for all that time until you were unfrozen by the Ritos. At first you were confused, for you had never seen people like them before.

You were distraught when you first discovered that all of the zoras were dead and the ones who escaped the icy spell went on to create the Ritos over the centuries. The Ritos grew to respect you for who you were and allowed you to stay in the Aerie. You gazed out of your large window longingly into the sea. Wanting to forget about your people's fate.

Salty tears fell from your eyes and you closed them quickly. You heard a gentle knock on your door and you swerved around. A small bird child entered your room. She had long auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail and her eyes were wide with fear and excitement. You knew her as Medli, she was one of the first Ritos to find you in the ice.

"Y/N , a boy has come to take us to the Earth Temple! We are needed as the Sages of Earth!" She said her winged arms waving spastically with each word. You were taken aback by this, not expecting you to have any purpose in this new and strange world.

"This boy, could he be the Hero of Time? No, he couldn't still be alive, then who could it be?" You wondered as she led you down from your room and out to the outside world. The smell of the ocean hit your nose and you became incredibly nostalgic for the waters you knew. You saw the boy the bird child was talking about and you gasped as he looked so similar to the Link you knew.

You decided not to say anything and declined a seat on his small if not creepy boat. You swam fast and smoothly through the waters as you followed him to the island that hid the Earth Temple. The water felt cool and freeing against your scales and fins. Smiling underneath the waves, you did various twirls and tricks. When you finally arrived at the temple, Link dismounted from his boat and helped Medli off.

You smiled as she blushed at him. You walked over to the headstone and sang as Link conducted and Medli played her harp. The melody had caused the magical stone to explode and allowed you to enter with your newfound friends.

The temple was incredibly perilous and terrifying at times, but Link had kept both you and Medli safe throughout the whole ordeal. The last room was the room you knew contained the monster that controlled the dungeon. A monstrous poe named Jalhalla. The legends stated he was an insatiable ghost that could melt the flesh off your bones with his ghastly lamp.

He was comprised of many different poes and you couldn't help but shiver at the prospect of meeting him. You went to open the door that led to him. It unlocked and opened at your touch. You recoiled in fear, but regained your composure. Not wanting to let your friends down, you entered the eerily quiet and misty expanse. Before your friends could accompany you, the door slammed shut.

You could hear them fidgeting and pounding on the massive door.

"Y/ N! Y/ N! Are you alright? We can't enter! It's locked!" Medli's panicked voice yelled from the other side of the door.  "It's alright! I'm fine! Don't worry, I can do this!" You assured them. Skulls littered the floor and massive spiked columns were at each corner of the room. You gulped as you walked into the center of the room. Many poes were scattered across the room scrambling about until they collapsed into a single mask.

You stood frozen in fear as the mask grew a body of a massive poe. He shook his massive lantern around as it filled with flames and floated closer to you. You fearfully backed away into the wall between spikes and you pressed yourself as far as you could go to the wall. Closing your eyes as his mask was right to your face.

He laughed, amused at your frightened state. You took a deep breath and looked at him. You took in his facial features and he looked into your eyes. You held out your hand gently and placed it on his nose. It seemed to send electricity through him as his body sort of shivered with your touch.

You retracted your hand and titled your head slightly in confusion. He did the same thing and you smiled at the strangeness of it all. You wanted to speak, but you didn't have the courage to do so. He reached his small hand out to caress your cheek. Surprising you because he was corporeal and you could feel his touch.

You felt electricity with his touch as well. It was strange and you couldn't help but feel attached to this creature. He hummed gently and happily and set his lantern down to show he wouldn't harm you. He backed up from you and split into the poes he once was. They all surrounded you and seemed to admire your form.

They whispered to each other and formed Jalhalla again. This time, he opened his mouth and pecked you on the lips. You giggled and gave him a sweet hug.

You became the Sage of the Earth that day and ruled along side Jalhalla while keeping the temple stable and at peace. You made friends of all the monsters there and you had finally found your purpose.

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