Moblin x Reader

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This is for all of you legend of Zelda nerds. Hope you enjoy. I'm going to start adding in videogame and movie monsters more and more often. Most of them from the Zelda series because I feel like that's the most diverse with its monsters?

So if you don't like video games ill make sure they deviate a lot from the main story lines.

You were captured about three weeks ago by the evil king Ganondorf

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You were captured about three weeks ago by the evil king Ganondorf. His power had spread to your small little island and he had kidnapped you and two other girls. They had long ears and were thought to be descendents of ancient hylians. Hylians that Ganondorf wanted to snuff out.

You were sitting down in the corner of your shared cell with your knees close to your chest and your cheek resting on them. Trying to take a nap. The floor smelled of mildew and old tile and it really affected your allergies. You lifted your head and sneezed loudly and clearly. It rang through the cell block and the other girls startled awake.

One of the Moblin guards overhead this and ignored his post to walk over to you. He was fishing around in his pocket for something. You scooted away frightened he might hurt you, but he held out his giant hand and showed you it was a tissue. Well, more like a rag. You were stunned, he was showing you kindness!

You slowly crawled over to the crooked bars, much to the chagrin of your fellow inmates, and accepted the rag. Gently plucking it from his fingers. He smiled and huffed in satisfaction as he watched you blow your nose. You finished and smiled back at him to be polite.

"Thank you, um, what's your name?" You asked quietly as the other girls had quickly cowered away from you and into their own corners respectively.

"Me don't have one Ms." He replied with a deep voice. It was almost comically deep. Considering he was a pig like monster you expected him to squeal a little bit. His elongated spear was set down and he bowed his head down as he introduced himself.

"You really don't have a name? Well, I can fix that. How about Moe? Moe the Moblin." You said happily. You were now face to face with him. The bars separating you two.

"Moe? Oh, me likes that name Ms."

"My name's Y/ N, Y/ N L/N. You don't have to call me miss anymore." You smiled at him and his pig like muzzle smiled back with the same kind of energy.

The two of you would visit quite often. He was now the one to bring you food and he snuck you strange yet somehow gorgeous skull necklaces to keep as gifts. You treasured these and hid them in your raggedy dress made of patchwork clothing.

Eventually he began to hold your hand through the bars. It was weird at first, but slowly became more normal and welcome. It was a reassuring thing. Something that made you unafraid of the future. Even if you were to stay here for the rest of your life, you wouldn't mind it if you could spend it with him.

Unfortunately, word of the two of you spread, and he was moved over to monitor corridors on the other side of the Fortress. You were heartbroken and realized that he was one of the things that made life worth living. You had fallen in love.

You had planned out an escape in solitude from the other girls seeing as the other moblins saw you as dangerous. You had found a small hole underneath your cell and your wiry frame made it through and out into the area outside of the cramped cell.

You climbed a small shelf filled with pots and jars that had miscellaneous items hidden inside. You moved a pot over and discovered a big enough crawlspace in the wall for you to exit the innermost workings of the compound. After several turns and twists, you had made it onto one of the several walls on the outskirts of the compound.

You could see almost the entirety of the Fortress. You were looking specifically for an archway were Moe would be patrolling. Following the corridors and many twisting paths you made it to an area that had two intersecting walkways guarding a massive ship.

You snuck around various guards that you knew for sure weren't Moe. For he had given up his skull necklace for you. Your eyes scanned the lit up ship yard and found a moblin that looked depressed. His skull necklace was nowhere to be found.

"Moe!" You whisper shouted at him. "Moe, I've escaped to be with you!" Moe turned around and was filled with glee at the sight of you. He ran at you and scooped you up. His spear and torch forgotten on the ground. You laughed as he kissed your face and neck in loving pecks. His pig nose snuggled against the crook of your neck and shoulder.

"I love this as much as you do, but we really need to go." You told him. He nodded and carried you bridal style out of the ship yard and onto a small bank at the bottom of the Fortress. Making sure to dodge the many roaming search lights. He set you down as he began to unite a small raft like canoe. He bowed as if to say, "ladies first," and you stepped into the raft and he jumped in after you.

You clutched his arm as he sailed you to the horizon and towards freedom. The abundant supply of necklaces he gave you were very very valuable back in your home island and the two of you became millionaires over night. Nobody questioned Moe and the two of you lived in blissful love for the rest of your days. Relishing in riches and happiness.

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