Stolas x Witch!Reader

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Ohh, I love him so much.

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He's the demon king of herbs and astronomy

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He's the demon king of herbs and astronomy.

And he's cute af.

Working diligently on a potion in your stuffy little hut that you bought on a whim was going absolutely terribly.

You were trying to make an herbal remedy for a broken heart. Sappy I know, but your previous lover wasn't exactly going to win any bf/gf of the year awards anytime soon. Ugly hot tears streamed down your face as you worked on the potion. Being careful not to fuck up the ingredients.

Wiping your snotty nose on your black robe sleeve you continued to sniffle and pour various mixtures and ingredients into the massive copper cauldron you had prepared.

In your disheveled state you accidentally knocked over a bunch of different ingredients into the open cauldron. Gasping and hiccuping at the same time you watched as the cauldron bubbled up an unholy concoction that smelled of gasoline and cum.

A dark purple fog erupted from the cauldron as a tall figure stepped out of the shadows.

It was an owl.

But not just any owl.

THE owl, the Demon Prince of Herbs and The Stars himself, Stolas. You stood in shock and awe. Trying to wipe off any remnants of snot and tears.

"WHOO SUMMONED ME? I'm seriously grateful and all, mostly because I very rarely get summons from my followers anymore. Due to the economy and the rise of christianity and all that but I am all in all very thankful for this!" The bird prince talked rapidly as if he felt like he wouldn't get another chance to talk if he stopped.

"Um, my name is Y/ N and I might've accidentally kinda sorta summoned you on..well, accident." You shuffled awkwardly. Not wanting to upset the benevolent demon.

"OH, OH THAT'S OK I GUESS I'LL JUST BE ON MY WAY THEN.." you could feel his disappointment. His fluffy tufts of feathers drooped a little and his massive eyes lowered.

"WAIT! Could you maybe help me with a potion I'm working on? It was kinda the reason you were brought here."

He was just about to step back into your cauldron/portal when you said that. He retracted his long leg and turned his head around to look you in the eye.

"Seriously! I mean, yes of course mortal." He obviously couldn't contain his excitement.

"What sort of concoction were you working on my wiccan friend?"

"Oh, it's just a little mixture that'll help mend my wounded heart." You said dramatically as you began to gather up ingredients.

"Broken heart? Oh, you really don't need a fancy potion for that." He cooed. He bent his long neck over and gave you a peck on the cheek.

You felt your face heat up and you laughed.

"I knew I could count on you Mr. Prince of Hell."

I love it. So much. Please vote and comment requests!

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