Harpy x Reader

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Ain't none of that World of Warcraft type bullshit harpy. I'm talking three titty bitch.

Houndinii requested this a while ago.

Basically it's the harpy from The Last Unicorn, I'm sorry, but not really.

You had been working for a traveling caravan circus for quite awhile now. Mommy Fortuna had made your life a living hell. Making you clean the cages and constantly giving you work day after day with no rest.

Everything was desolate and soul crushingly boring. Each day passed in a blur of work and full conversations with the sorcerer that worked with you and his lame magic tricks.

It all changed however when Mommy Fortuna captured the Harpy.

To the many people who visit the traveling circus, the Harpy was a terrifying oddity. Something evil and wicked. Unnatural in this world, but to you, she was just a misunderstood creature.

You were cleaning up various refuse on the outside of the poor animals cages. You stopped at the Harpy's sad prison. Her expression was solemn and melancholic. Her chocolate brown eyes were glazed with a shiny coat of tears. Her beak was pointed at the ground. As if she was ashamed to be caught.

You felt your heart wrench in empathy for her. You too felt trapped by Mommy Fortuna.

"Hello, my name is Y/ N. I, I am really quite sorry for your imprisonment." You said sincerely. The Harpy lifted her head and stared into your e/c eyes.

She seemed to be studying you for authenticity. Trying to figure out if you truly cared. You stepped closer to her cage. Giving her a reassuring smile.

"Trust me, I won't hurt you. If anything I want to help." The Harpy cooed at you. Her ears perking up.

"You are truly one of a kind. Most mortals cower at my hideous form, but you are not like most mortals. I'm.. Flattered." She said, her voice raspy and hoarse. You could tell she hardly ever used it.

You clutched onto the bars in desperation.

"If I could get you out of here, I would, but if Mommy Fortuna catches me, she would kill me!" Tears spilled from your eyes.

"Please do not cry, it is enough that you are talking to me right now. It keeps me entertained to say the least." She gave you an awkward toothy grin. To try and cheer you up.

You gave her your own goofy smile in return. The following days were much easier. Each more fun then the last. You would wait until Mommy Fortuna was asleep and chat with the Harpy for as long as the night allowed.

She would tell you wondrous stories of her life. How she used to soar above the mountains of her homeland. You eventually got around to the sore subject of her capture.

"The witch caught me while I was asleep. I never saw it coming." The Harpy bristled in anger at the hard memory. "A creature like me is never suited for imprisonment. For mere entertainment!" She began to beat her mighty wings. Rattling her small cage.

"Oh! Please don't cause a scene! Mommy Fortuna.."

You weren't able to finish your sentence for Mommy Fortuna had heard everything. She hobbled over to you and the Harpy.

"So! I give you a home, the clothes on YOUR back, and this is how you repay the great Mommy Fortuna?" She screeched at you.

"Mommy Fortuna! Please listen to me! Let the Harpy go! She doesn't deserve to live her life in a cage!" You said tearfully. Begging for her freedom. It didn't matter what happened to you anymore. I suppose that's what love is isn't it?

"Nonsense! She belongs to me now!"

"One day, hag, I will kill you." The Harpy growled. Her beak curling with spite.

Mommy Fortune cackled at this.

"You will surely be the death of me, but, you will live the rest of your immortal life knowing I was the one who captured YOU!" Mommy Fortuna pointed her gnarled and wrinkled finger at the two of you.

"You shall be punished severely for this Y/ N." Fortuna said lowly. Her voice filled with malice.

You cowered at her threat and glanced back at the Harpy. She looked worried for you.

"Y/ N..." She said as you walked off with Mommy Fortuna.

You were locked in a caravan separate from the rest. Prevented from speaking to the Harpy. It was torture for the both of you. The Harpy plotted her break out and your rescue each day.

One evening, Mommy Fortuna captured a unicorn. It was quite the important day. For this unicorn would be the undoing of this terrible show. The sorcerer and the unicorn broke out all of the animals masquerading as mythical creatures. Including your beloved Harpy.

She bursted out of her cage with majestic force and killed Mommy Fortuna with hatred so strong it made both the unicorn and the sorcerer cringe in fear.

She searched frantically for you in the ruins of the pitiful caravan show. She found you in the last caravan, fast asleep.

She hobbled into the caravan and nudged you awake with her beak gently. Cooeing at you softly to try and wake you up. Your eyes fluttered open and you smiled.

"Is, is this a dream, or another one of Mommy Fortuna's tricks?" You said sleepily.

"'Tis neither Y/ N. The unicorn released me from my prison. I destroyed the witch, and I am here to save my love." She said sweetly. Her eyes told you that she was being sincere.

You smiled and hugged her. Feeling her wings envelop you and her many breasts against yours.

"Let's get out of this dreadful place." The Harpy nodded and led you out of your prison. You hopped on her back and she flew into the horizon. With you happily clinging to her.

Alright this is the first of two other one shots I had on the back burner before I got sick. Please be patient with me and if you enjoyed this one shot please give it a vote and comment!

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