Beast of Bray Road x Reader

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You had been tracking a wounded deer through the woods. You worked for the veterinary science division of your college and you wanted to finally put your skills to the test and help some creature. It would be good experience for you anyways. Your backpack filled with various medical equipment and supplies felt heavy on your back, but your goal and purpose kept you going on.

You followed a trail of small blood droplets onto the free way. You were so close to finding the poor thing that you didn't notice an oncoming car. He was speeding towards you, and you stared into his headlights, frozen and terrified.

"This is where it ends." Your thoughts screamed at you. You were braced for the car to hit you when something huge knocked you out of the way and onto the other side of the road.

You laid on your side without fully realising what was happening. The man didn't even stop to see if you were ok. He just kept speeding down the road like it was some sort of imaginary race.

You waited to catch your breath and you saw what pushed you out of danger's way.

It was a sort of dog like creature. It was massive and hairy. You ran to check on it and you noticed a gaping cut in the side of its body. It's breathing was ragged and it's human like eyes stared at you. Pleading for help. You didn't know what it was, but you felt responsible for it.

You dragged it off of the road and into a grassy ravine where you could treat him without worrying about oncoming vehicles. You took off your backpack and opened up a jar of antiseptic salve. You found a small patch of stitches and a needle. You needed to work quick so it wouldn't bleed out.

You were almost afraid to touch it. It was definitely unlike anything you've ever seen, but you couldn't just let it die. No matter what.

You tested it's chest for any broken bones and you were relieved to find none. It growled at you when you applied the salve, but it let you continue to treat it. Looking at you with a pained but loving expression.

After stitching the wound, it started to sit up, but you ushered it back down and whispered comforting words to it. You noticed that it's bone structure was bipedal and oddly humanoid. It's paws had opposable thumbs and a human like appearance to it.

"Is this... A werewolf?" You breathed heavily and stared at it. You noticed that the it was actually a he after it moved it's massive legs. You blushed slightly at the sight and turned to look at its face. He had a smile spread across his muzzle and he had a spark of intelligence within his human eyes.

"Can... Can you understand me?" You questioned. After awhile he nodded his massive head. His ears would swivel around to hear small noises around the two of you. Thousands of thoughts swarmed inside of your head.

"What do we do now?"

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