Flatwoods Monster x Reader

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Oh, the babe.

(Set in the 1950's)

It was a very tiring day. You had been working at the local diner for a couple of months now and you had definitely had your fair share of fun. You had to wear a skimpy little diner outfit to go with the whole theme of the restaurant.

Working in Flatwoods wasn't all that exciting, hell, hardly anything happened there. You had a nice routine going for you, wake up, work, go to sleep. For a woman in the 50's, if you didn't have a husband that was practically your life every day.

Sighing as you took off your outfit and slipped into a comfortably drab dress you left the diner to walk home. Unfortunately, your normal route home was blocked by some shady looking guys in a car eyeballing some other woman. Sensing the danger, you decided to take a detour. It was through the woods, and it was late at night.

"Oh great, just what I need. Wait, this is just what I need!" You thought to yourself gleefully. This meant that you could finally stray from the benign and stagnant lifestyle you were accustomed to. It was a small step sure, but it was a step nonetheless.

Trudging through the leaves you could hardly see in front of you. Squinting hella hard in the darkness so you could make out faint outlines of trees and other unidentifiable objects. Your eyes burned when you were suddenly graced with two massive shining orbs piercing the darkness.

You were in a dazed state and while your eyes tried to focus on the thing ahead you it began to inch closer. You could hear metallic whirring and the sound of something heavy crunching leaves on the ground. While you were shielding your eyes you could hear the sounds of many footsteps approaching you from behind. It was the strange men from before.

They were approaching you, eyes sparkling with evil intent. You gasped and backed up into the creature. Your heart stopped as tears streamed down your face. The creature put it's clawed arms around you and you felt a snap and a pinch as you were warped away from the forest and into a small and uncanny room.

It smelled of rubber and metal and the whole room gleamed and shined. The creature looked at you and you wanted to scream.

"U-um, I want to thank y-you for saving me and all, but I g-gotta return back to my h-home and job before my b-boss finds out I'm missing-"

"S I L E N C E." The creature said in a robotic and monotone voice. It echoed inside the small room and you squeaked in fear. "You have been brought here to answer questions about your planet and humans. Please cooperate or you will be terminated efficiently and swiftly." You gulped and shuddered where you stood.

"S-sure, Mr. Robot sir." You agreed meekly.

He, she, it began to ask you questions and you replied as best as you could. Once the two of you began talking you began to hit it off. Very weirdly. It began to speak of its home world and that the robotic suit it was in was just encasing its reptilian body.

It stepped out slowly and you went to touch it's skin. "If you don't mind of course." You said as you touched it's scales. It watched you curiously and flicked its forked tongue at you. You laughed at how absurd this all was.

"When I wake up, im going to take a couple of days off."

"Wake up? You assume that this is all due to your subconscious? In that case.." the creature leaned in and kissed you softly.

"What a weird turn of events." You thought as you kissed it back. Shrugging off any sort of alarm bells.

"I will be dropping you off now Y/N. Thank you for your service." It said as it hypnotically put you under.

You woke up the next day thinking it was all a dream. The flatwoods monster would go on to be famous and you realised it was all real.


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