Thunder Bird x Reader

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Alrighty, the mythical thunder bird.

You were an anthropologist researching the native Americans of the Pacific Northwest coast. Specifically their mythological creatures and beliefs.

A nearby tribe of Algonquin people agreed to let you and your team of researchers document them. While most of your team was interviewing the indigenous people, you were busy sketching major aesthetic points of the tribe's grounds. Drawings of totems and various wood and metal carvings.

The one thing that caught your eye however was an elaborately carved and designed wooden totem pole. At the very top of the pole, there was an impressive carving depicting a massive bird. It looked so smooth and gorgeous, that you forgot all that was around you.

You reached out to touch the soft wood and as you placed your hand on the bottom wolf carving, you felt a humming resonating within the totem. Your whole body shook with the vibrations and you realised that the statue exploded with green waves of intense magic.

Your eyes seemed to glow in the light coming off of the totem. You closed your eyes as you realised that the totem was about to fracture.

Leaping away from the totem before it could hit you, you huddled onto the ground to try and cover your body as much as you could. When every thing died down and you couldn't feel the heat from the totem anymore, you began to stand up.

You froze in place however as you noticed that in the place of the totem was a massive sleek black bird. It's lengthy wings were folded into its body. It's massive raven's head turned slowly to see you. It's stark black eyes stared lovingly into the depths of your E/C ones.

Your heart pounded so loudly in your chest that you couldn't hear or feel anything else. The Thunder Bird cooed as he stretched his wing out to let you touch it. Understanding what he wanted, you reached out and felt his smooth feathers against your hand.

The Thunderbird squawked with appreciation. You felt a connection with the supernatural fowl and you felt intertwined. It probably had to do with the fact that you freed or awakened him from his long slumber inside the totem. How he got into the totem was a total mystery to both me and you.

The tribesmen and woman were flooding the thunderbird. Astounded and frightened that it was alive and before them. Many of the indigenous women started to pray and cry. The Thunderbird looked annoyed at the unwanted attention it was receiving and looked towards you. Motioning with his massive head to you to jump on his back.

Understanding immediately you sprinted towards his feathered body. Pushing past your researcher team and hopping onto his back. The shocked gasps of your team and the Algonquin people floated into the air after you and the thunderbird had already ran past them and flew into the wind.

The cold mountain winds whipped your hair behind your body as you clung onto the thunderbird's expansive back. The feathers tickling your face as they were blown back by the wind. Your eyes were watering, but you were able to glimpse the world passing by below you. Looking to the left you saw his massive onyx wing spread out flapping and gliding at ease.

You felt free and wild at that moment and you knew that nothing could ever top this amazingly euphoric moment.

Resting your head on his spine you sighed in complete and total happiness.

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