Juro-Gumo x Reader

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Spider woman x reader if that makes more sense.

Going backpacking in the massive mountains of Japan was an amazing idea on your mother's behalf. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of city life was definitely something that the two of you needed.

Your mom had gone through a pretty rough divorce with your now estranged father and it had taken a toll on everybody in the L/N household. Your dad had been cheating on your mom for three months and it was pretty shocking to find out. You always believed that your dad was a good man, that he and your mom were soulmates.

But nothing good lasts forever I suppose.

You had packed basic hiking gear and a small gold locket that you kept that had a photograph of you and your mom smiling inside of it. It was a reminder that no matter what, things get better.

However, this trip would either be a blessing or a curse to you.

Climbing a rather steep hill you noticed a small cave protruding from the edge of the mountain. You signaled to your mom to climb with you to the cave so that the both of you could regain your bearings.

The plan was to scale the mountain and place a small flag on the top of it that you purchased at a tourist trap shop on the drive to the base of the mountain.

After you were done with the flag you would head back down the mountain and return to your dreary apartment complex.

Needless to say you were hoping to drag out this miniature vacation as long as possible.

Your mother climbed in sync with you to prevent from tumbling down the mountain so that the both of you could make it to the cave safely.

After almost slipping on an innocuous ledge you made it safely if not a little jarred into the cave. Your mother quickly followed suit and landed near to where you were.

"This place is really quite gorgeous." Your mom said with awe.

"Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more on that one." Your eyes scanned the ethereal beauty of the cave. You never took the time to really appreciate nature. Mostly because nature was rare to come by in the busy streets of Japan.

The serenity was shattered however by the sounds of faint skittering coming from the ceiling of the cave. It sounded like thousands of bugs running across the ground. Before you could react you heard your mom scream and a loud thud! Crashed onto the ground.

Turning around you were met by a most gruesome sight. A tall woman with her lower body comprised of a massive black widow's body. You trembled in fear as you assessed the creature before you. She had long ebony hair that cascaded down her shapely breasts, covering them modestly. She had a very beautiful face, with a cruel and cold expression fixed upon it.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she approached you and you approached her. Your mom was unconscious on the floor.

"She must've fainted because of her arachnophobia." You quickly concluded to yourself.

The woman opened her blood red lips to show two sparkly white fangs. She laughed, "What exactly are you two mortals doing in my lair? I've just eaten so I have no use for you here."

"Um, well we were just trying to enjoy a nice relaxing hike away from the rest of civilisation for awhile. My cousin lives near a river and we wanted to be able to experience something similar to that. We'll get right out of your perfect hair miss spider lady." You meekly said.

The spider woman perked an eyebrow at you and looked at you in a new light. She mostly killed men who tried to exploit the mountain for riches or people attempting to turn the land into a park.

She had never met somebody quite like you before. Especially one that seemed so calm and collected. Most people screamed and tried to hurt her in their futile attempts to escape from her clutches.

"I find myself growing fond of you, what is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Y/ N, Y/ N L/N."

"What made you decide to visit my humble abode?"

"U-um, it just seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Good idea? You're a strange girl, aren't you?" She fondly asked in a smooth as honey voice.

"H-hey, are you going to eat me because I'm getting kinda antsy." You replied instead of answering her rhetorical question.

"Hmm, how about this, I won't kill or eat you or your mother if you stay with me in my cave. I promise to give you a sleeping quarters and food to eat and drink to, well, drink. All you have to do is stay." She smiled at you while she combed her hair absentmindedly with her long clawed fingers.

"If I stay... You promise to let my mom go? Man, this is some Beauty and the Beast type shit huh." You mumbled that last part to yourself so she wouldn't hear.

"I cross my many hearts that I will." She promised. Her black eyes stared into your E/C as the two of you struck a deal.

A deal that you would never grow to regret.

I had a lot of fun with this one! Please vote and comment what you thought!

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