The Asset X Reader

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Absolutely adored The Shape Of Water. The Asset was very very cute.

Keep in mind this is an alternate universe where you come in before he is sent to America. He never meets Eliza.

You were an anthropologist working in southern America along the banks of a small river that led into a swampy lake.

It was the early 60's so of course you weren't treated with what you would call the utmost respect due to your gender. You were often belittled for being a woman in a field of science, but it never deterred you from doing what you loved best.

You were ploughing through mucky water and getting bit by countless mosquitos all on the faint idea that there might be a fish like humanoid that dwelled in the waters of the swamp.

When discovered, it was going to be shipped to America for further studies. You clicked a couple of pictures with your bulky camera and sighed as you sat down on a rock.

To your dismay, it wasn't a rock at all! For it hissed and slithered beneath you. Causing you to slip into the swamp. You scrambled to get away from the creature in question when it rose up from the opaque waters.

It was bipedal and tall. It's scales glowed slightly. It turned to face you, it's gills fanned out on the side of its face. It bared its lengthy fangs and hissed softly at you.

You sat motionless, you couldn't believe what you were seeing! A real fish man! You were thinking at the speed of light at what to do.

"H-hello, m-my name is Y/ N, Y/N L/N. I hope I didn't frighten you." You said slowly and calmly. Even though fear shook your drenched body.

He cocked his head and his frog like eyes looked at you in curiosity. He had never seen anybody like you. He was always alone.

You began to sit up slowly. Attempting to stand up when he hissed at you. You held your hands up and steadily sat down on your knees. Gulping slightly. You brought your sack over to your front and dug out some hard boiled eggs you had packed earlier for the trip.

"H-here, it's quite good." You passed him an egg. Pointing to it with your mud caked index finger.

"It's an egg, see, egg."  You turned it around and passed it to him. He took the egg in his webbed hand. Sniffing it precariously before devouring it. He looked at you in a new, more trusting light.

He allowed you to stand up and approach him. You took in every inch of his body with your eyes. He was quite a sight to behold. You reached out to touch him, and to your relief, he let you. He felt smooth yet rough, wet yet dry. It was quite a strange sensation.

You stayed with him for hours, trying to teach him various words and symbols. You discovered he could not speak. He communicated with his hands and various sounds. You learned sign language years ago when you helped a young girl with scars along her neck to "talk" to people.

You began to teach him sign language along with verbal language. Even though he couldn't talk, he could understand it.

The scientists that you worked alongside didn't care that you were lost. They didn't even attempt to find you as you chilled with your new found friend.

He taught you some things as well. How he could heal and how he navigated the swampy waters into the ocean when he liked. You couldn't help but feel akin to him. Both of you didn't belong in your worlds. He was the only one of his kind, and you were as well. Barely any women were scientific or even educated.

The days that passed came by rather fast as the two of you spent more time with each other. Eventually learning to love one another. You were creating a necklace with shells he found from the sea to give to you. He swam up to you and grabbed your neck lovingly.

You were shocked at first, but you could see the blue bioluminescent scales on his body light up at your touch, and you realised he was going to kiss you. You obliged and after breaking the kiss, he dived into the water back first.

You laughed and took off your shoes and your clothes. You jumped in with him and felt his hand drag you down with him. You didn't worry about oxygen in that moment. He hugged you and kissed your lips.

In that moment, everything was perfect. You two fit with each other. Never leaving each other's side for as long as you lived.

If you liked this one shot please leave a comment and vote! Also I realised too late that Eliza would be alone... oh well.

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