Last Day Of School

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A/N: I got out of school on Tuesday, so I am now FREE. 

Until September.

Then I die again. 

Btw, in this one it's not only the last day of school, but C/N is taller than you. Even if he is short in real life, just pretend he isn't and he's like a whole head taller than you are. Also, pretend you live like two minutes away from a 7/11, even if you don't. If you don't know what 7/11 is, it's basically kind of like a little corner store but it has a slushie station too. 

Anyway, here's the imagine.

Once again, the picture above isn't mine


Y/N: Your name

C/N: Crush's name

Y/B/F: Your best friend

Y/F: Your friend

Y/F/C: Your friend's crush

You had just finished taking your last exam for the year. There was still half an hour left of the school day, and you couldn't take your eyes off the clock. You knew staring at the clock would make the day feel like it was going by slower, but you so desperately wanted to get out of school and get your freedom. 

Taking a break from looking at the clock, you looked at all the people in the classroom. You looked at them and knew that some people would be completely different when you see them in September.

You saw Y/B/F sitting to your left, reading a book. Y/F was sitting in front of you, drawing in her sketchbook. Sitting to her left was her crush, Y/F/C. He was moving to another state, so neither of you would see him next year.  And to your right was C/N, staring at the clock like you had been doing earlier, and fidgeting in his seat. 

You grabbed your book from under your seat and opened it up. Reading would make the time go a lot faster than looking around the room. You buried your face in the book, and soon you were lost in it. 

Suddenly, the final bell rang. Everyone practically jumped out of their seats and sprinted for the door. You quickly grabbed your things and glanced at the clock. Time had gone by so fast after you had started reading. 

You were just as desperate for your freedom as everyone else, so you ran after them and sprinted to your locker. You quickly grabbed your backpack and headed for the staircase that went own to the front doors of the school.

As you were on your way out, a hand firmly grasped your shoulder and turned you around. You were scared out of your wits, but you realized it was only C/N.

Before you could say something, he pulled you towards him and kissed you squarely on the lips. You were surprised, but happy nonetheless, and kissed back.

After five whole seconds of kissing, he pulled away. "Why'd you do that?" you asked him.

"Why not?" he said, smirking. His demeanor suddenly changed. Just a few seconds ago, he had confidently turned you around and kissed you, and now he was nervous.

"W-Well the thing is Y/N," he started, stuttering, but still managing to speak, "I-I've had a huge crush on you since the beginning of the year, a-and now it's the last day of school, and I j-just thought you should know that." He finished talking, and you noticed he was blushing. You were blushing too, judging by the heat you felt rising in your cheeks. He suddenly took a deep breath and asked," Y-Y/N, will you b-be my g-girlfriend?"

You'd been waiting for him to say that since that day that beautiful boy helped you pick up your stuff after you tripped on the staircase and dropped it all. As the end of the school year approached, you were waiting and dreaming for the one day where he would admit his crush on you and ask you to be his girlfriend, although you were convinced it wouldn't happen. When finals started last week on Wednesday, you realized you only had Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, next Monday, and next Tuesday. As each day passed without your dream coming true, you started losing hope and decided he just wasn't worth it.

And here you were. It was the last day of school, and your last chance, but you weren't expecting it, so you tried to get it off your mind, but all of your attempts to do so had failed. 

"I actually have a crush on you myself, since you helped me pick up my stuff the one day where I tripped on the stairs and dropped it all," you said somewhat confidently. You thought you would've been the stuttering nervous mess, not C/N. "And I'd love to be your girlfriend," you added. You leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, standing on the tips of your toes. After all, he was like a whole head taller than you, but you still found it pretty adorable. 

"Do you wanna walk to 7/11?" he asked. 

"Sure. I just gotta call my mom and tell her," you told him. You couldn't believe he was asking YOU to walk to 7/11 with HIM. So far, it was the greatest day of your entire life. First, he kissed you and gave you your FIRST KISS, then you admitted your feelings for each other, after that, he'd asked you to be his girlfriend, and now he was asking you to walk to 7/11 with him. 

You quickly called your mom and told her you were walking to 7/11, and that you would walk home after you were done. 

The walk to 7/11 was interesting. You and C/N talked the whole way about a bunch of things. How good it felt to finally be free of your annoying English teacher, who was basically the devil on Earth.

You bought some candy, a slushie, and some gum, and C/N grabbed a slushie and a bag of chips, and went outside.

"I have to go home now," you told C/N. 

"Do you need a ride?" he asked.

"No. I live two minutes away, so I can walk."

"Mind if I tag along? I live like a block away from you."


He walked you home, and you talked the whole way. It turns out he was going to Hawaii for a week over the summer. Lucky duck, you thought. But then again, you were going to New York City to see Hamilton.

You got to your house, and before you went inside, C/N gave you a slip of paper.

"Bye Y/N!" he said. "I hope we can hang out sometime over the summer!"

"Me too!" you said. "Bye! Have fun in Hawaii!"

After saying your goodbyes, you went inside to celebrate your freedom. You brought your backpack to your room, because there's no point in leaving it downstairs since school is finally over.

You throw your backpack onto the floor and sit on your bed. You took the little slip of paper C/N gave you, and opened it up. It said:

Text me #(###)###-####


You jumped out of your bed and pumped your fist in the air. The day had only gotten better. C/N had given you his flipping PHONE NUMBER. You decided to text him now, since you had nothing else to do. 

Almost instantly he responded, and you spent the rest of the day texting each other. You didn't end your conversation until around midnight. The last text he sent before you ended your conversation was -goodnight sweetheart. I love you.'

You responded 'goodnight. I love you too.'

You put your phone on the charger and lied down. You stared at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep, but you couldn't. You were so happy about what had happened today, it was keeping you awake. 

Finally, at about one in the morning, you fell asleep, but the only thing you dreamed about was C/N.


Sorry. I had to include Hamilton because I am absolute trash. Anyway, sorry I'm not updating as often as I used too. School just got out, but I've been busy with planning for my birthday party, helping my mom, summer cleaning (ugh), and starting to plan for my Halloween costume (I'm sewing them by hand, and I have to make four: one for me, one for my sister, and two for my friends. We're all going as Hamilton characters lol.) 

Hopefully, I'll try and get more imagines done.

Bye everyone!

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