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A/N: This one isn't going to be based off of a real experience (sadly), but it's snowing over here and I wanted to make a snow imagine, so I did, and here it is.


I think you might already know these, but in case I didn't put these up in earlier imagines here:

H/C: hair color

E/C: eye color

Here we go:

You woke up on a cold Saturday morning, and found about an inch or two of snow on the ground when you looked out the window that morning. You fist bumped the air, happy that it finally snowed. Snow was still falling, and you were ready to go outside and play in it like a little kid.

You got dressed, then ran downstairs to eat breakfast, and then left a note on the table, saying that you've gone outside to take a walk in the snow.

You threw on your winter coat, boots, a hat, and a pair of gloves, and ran outside. You stood in the snow, staring up at the sky and watching it fall down for a few seconds, and then started to walk down the driveway and onto the side of the street.

You walked down the street, mesmerized by the snow. Where you live, you got it every winter, and you were used to it, but it excited you so much seeing it fall down. Especially when you got so much snow and the weather was so bad, that school was closed the next day and you got a snow day.

You remembered that one time four years ago, when there was a huge snowstorm, dropping at least five feet of snow, maybe six or seven, and gave you two weeks off of school because of the snow and for inspections for damage. (A/N: This actually happened to me back in 2014.)

You continued your walk down the street, and then saw someone else on the opposite side of the street, and for a second, you thought they looked familiar, like someone at your school, but shrugged it off as someone else that  just looked like them.

But as they continued to come closer, you realized that they looked oddly similar to C/N, your crush. They had the same H/C hair, and from where you were, they appeared to have the same E/C eyes as him too. 

You waited for them to pass you to see who it really was, but stopped dead in your tracks when you heard a voice shout, "Y/N!" 

You stopped dead in your tracks, and looked around for the source of the voice, but quickly realized it was probably the person on the other side of the street, since they were the only one outside.

You looked at them, and also realized that they didn't just look like C/N, it was C/N.

Dang it.

You weren't expecting to see him at all. He waved to you, and you waved back, before he ran across the street over to you.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," you said back. You could already feel the heat rising in your cheeks, and felt yourself blushing, but your cheeks were already pink from the cold, so hopefully, he won't notice. 

"So, why are you out?" he asked.

"I woke up and it was snowing, so I decided to get up and take a walk in the snow," you explained. "What are you doing?" you asked him.

"Same as you," he said, smiling. You stood there, smiling back at him for a few seconds, until it became awkward. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked. "Come on."

The two of you walked side by side and talked, about school, the weather, how annoying all of the drama at school was, and a bunch of other stuff.

You both ended up at the park, which was about a ten-fifteen minute walk from your house, and gasped. 

The sight was beautiful, the trees covered in snow, creating a peaceful atmosphere as snow continued to fall around you. Everything else was covered with a couple inches of snow, and you were about to say something to C/N, but when you looked next to you, he was gone.

Then, you felt something hit you square in the back, and turned around to find a grinning C/N with a stack of snowballs.

You picked up a handful of snow and quickly shaped it into a packed ball, and threw it back at him, hitting him square in the chest. He fell backwards, pretending to have been shot and died.

He got back up, and soon, the two of you got into a full-blown snowball war. It wasn't a snowball fight anymore, it was WAR. 

After about twenty minutes, you finally stopped throwing snowballs at each other, realizing how wet your clothes were from the snow.

"That was intense," you said to C/N as you began to walk away from the park.

"Like heck it was," he said, a huge smile on his face. "You're really good at snowball wars."

"Thanks," you said, accepting his compliment.

"On Christmas, when all of my cousins and family come over to celebrate, we make teams and have a huge snowball war before we give out presents," he said. "It's a family tradition."

"That's awesome," you said. "We just do a really, really random gift exchange. I mean, for all I know, you could end up with a roll of toilet paper."

He laughed. "Oh wow."

You walked up the street you had come down before you met him, and then turned onto your street. You continued up your street until he stopped at the end of the driveway. "This is your house, right?" he asked.

"How do you know where I live?" you asked, surprised.

"I see you ride your bike up here all the time during the summer," he said. "And C/B/F actually lives a few houses  down the street from you, so I'll sometimes see you down at the end of your driveway getting mail or something."

"I didn't know you knew that," you said.

Your phone buzzed, and you pulled it out and checked it, revealing a text from your mom asking where you'd been.

"Well, I better go," you said.

"Aww," he said. "Hanging out with you was fun."

"I know," you said. "It was fun with you too."

He smiled. "Well, see you next time," he said, kissing your cheek. "How about tomorrow? Same time, same place?"

You grinned. "Of course," you said. "See you tomorrow."

You waved goodbye to each other before you walked back up your driveway and into your warm house, where you went upstairs, changed into comfortable clothes, and sat on your bed, thinking about tomorrow morning with C/N.

A/N: Oof, I'm sorry if the ending is bad. I'm horrible at ending imagines, because they're always rlly cringy but they're the best endings I can think of. It did snow here, but not a lot (I'm really mad about that because I love snow), but it's supposed to snow a little more. Probably not a lot of accumulating snow though, just flurries or something. Welp, see you next time. 

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