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A/N: This is gonna be a short one lol


B/N: Boy's name

You were casually walking to lunch, when your guy friend B/N came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around, surprised to see him there. He'd been on vacation for the past two weeks, but hadn't said what day he was coming back to school.

"Hi B/N!" you said. "How was your vacation?"

"Hi Y/N," he said. "And my vacation was great actually."

"Where did you go again?" you asked.

He answered. "I went on a cruise in the Mediterranean. We visited a few different countries, Greece and Italy just to name a couple."

"That's cool," you said. "Did you see Mt. Vesuvius while you were in Italy?"

"Yeah," he said. "That was probably the coolest part! I'd never seen a volcano in real life before, but it was awesome. They look so much cooler in person that in pictures, just not when they're destroying stuff."

You laughed. 

"In fact, " he started. "I got you this small little volcanic rock from a souvenir shop there." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small rock, placing it gently in your hand.

"Wow," you said, examining the rock in your hand. "This is super cool!"

"Thanks," he said. "I picked this one out for you."

"Awe, you're such a nice friend!" you said.

Meanwhile, someone else wasn't so happy.

C/N stood close by, yet you didn't notice him, and needless to say, he was jealous. In his eyes, B/N was someone who could interfere with his chances of getting into a relationship, with you. He didn't know that B/N was just one of your friends, and that he meant nothing to you romantically. You did like B/N, you just didn't like him romantically. Only as a friend, and he knew. He felt the same way about you, not liking you romantically, but rather as a good friend.

You made it to the cafeteria and sat at your usual lunch table. B/N's table was right next to yours, so you could still talk to him.

For the second time, you felt a tap on your shoulder, but when you looked to see who it was, it wasn't B/N, but rather C/N. "Hi Y/N," he said.

"Hi C/N," you replied. You felt yourself getting anxious, but quickly put a stop to it and tried to interact with him like you would anyone else.

"Who's that?" B/N asked. Apparently, you hadn't told him about C/N and your crush on him, although you could've sworn that you did....

"Her boyfriend," C/N said, and gave you an unexpected kiss on the lips, and then stared at B/N. "Back off," he said, his tone defensive. "She's mine."

"Okay man I get it," B/N said, putting his hands up. "I'm just her friend."

"You sure about that?" he asked B/N.

"I swear on my life I'm telling the truth," B/N said. C/N continued to stare coldly at him. "Don't murder me dude. I'd like this not to be my last meal."

At this, C/N chuckled, to your surprise. He kissed you again, this time on the cheek, and quickly whispered to you. "Meet me by the flagpole after school." You nodded, and he left and went to his lunch table. 

"What was that about?" B/N asked. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

"Well, I actually don't," you started. "But I do have a crush on that guy who just stopped by and looked like he was going to kill you."

"Are you sure you still like him after he basically threatened me?" B/N asked, joking around with you.

"Now that I think about it, he seemed kind of jealous," you said. "If he liked me back, which I now feel like he does, he might get jealous if he saw me talking to another guy, even if it's just a friend, like you are."

"That makes sense," B/N said. "That makes a lot of sense now. He was probably just jealous and thought that I was his rival in a contest to win your heart I guess."

"But I'm still confused at why he would like me, of all people," he said. "He could do so much better..."

"Y/N," he said. "You do have a crush on him, right?"

"Yes," you said.

"You do realize that judging by the recent situation, he most likely has a crush on you too?" he asked.

"Yes," you answered again.

"Then you should be happy!" he said. "Don't throw yourself a pity party after you've realized there's an extremely high chance that your crush returns your feelings for him! Do not throw away your shot!" (A/N: I'm sorry, I had to include that reference. Hamilton isn't mine by any means.)

"Okay B/N I get it now," you said. "I'll meet him after school and see what happens."

The two of you high-fived.

You did end up meeting C/N at the flagpole after school, and needless to say, everything you and B/N had interpreted his actions to be were accurate, and you and C/N walked away, hand in hand.

Sorry for the bad ending, and the Hamilton reference (actually I'm not sorry about the Hamilton reference). I'm trash, I know. This imagine is also shorter, so I'm happy about that. I'll try and make them more like the length they are in this one and in the previous imagine, unless you like them longer. I might do an AU (alternate universe) imagine, but I don't know what AU I'd like to do yet. Maybe some sort of soulmate one, or perhaps a "Yandere Simulator" one.....*evil grin.* Anyway, see you next time!

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