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A/N: So Halloween is in a couple of days, and I'm really excited to see my costume finished, because I sewed it and worked really hard on it through a bunch of sewing classes, and now it just has to be hemmed and then it's done. I'm really excited to see it!!!!!!

Because, like I've said about eighty thousand times already, I'm going to do a Hamilton group costume with my two friends and my sister, this is going to be both Hamilton themed and Halloween themed. Once again, I do not own Hamilton. It belongs to the living god among us known as Lin-Manuel Miranda. 


Nothing new

Here we go:

It was Halloween, and you had school, which was a bummer, but you could also wear your costumes to school, and you were pretty excited to see everyone else's costumes too. There were bound to be a lot of really creative costumes, some simple ones, and definitely some really funny ones. 

You got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast quickly. Your costume took a lot to put on, plus you had the makeup to do for it too.

After you ate breakfast, you went back upstairs to wash your face and brush your teeth, then straightened your hair to look like the character you were dressing up as for Halloween. You were going with your sister and Y/B/F as the Schuyler sisters from Hamilton. Y/B/F was Angelica, you were Eliza, and your sister was Peggy. F/N was also a part of your group costume, going as her favorite character, King George III. 

You had sewn your own costume, with help, and needless to say, you were proud of yourself. You first straightened your hair, to look more like Eliza, and put in a half ponytail to try and replicate one of her hairstyles. You put on some makeup, to make it more fun, because you always loved to incorporate some sort of makeup into your Halloween costumes, even if it was something as simple as a witch or a cat. 

After you put on your makeup, with help from your sister, put on your costume, and in return, helped her with her costume, and put her hair in a ponytail, to try and replicate Peggy's hairstyle. She didn't want to wear any makeup, so you let it slide, but you were definitely planning on doing some sort of makeup for your costume.

You put on the shoes you had bought for the costume, a pair of black heels with two straps that crossed over each other.

You had finally gotten yourself ready, and you were ready to get on the bus and go to school.

----- le time skip -----

You arrived at school and walked in, immediately noticing other people's costumes. Half of the school didn't dress up, either because their costumes were too much work for school, they had gym that day and didn't want to have to change in and out of a costume, or they thought they were 'too cool' to dress up.

You managed to walk through the crowd of students without tripping over your dress, but then caught someone else's costume out of the corner of your eyes, and looked behind you to see who it was. 

To your surprise, it was C/N.....and he was dressed as Alexander Hamilton. (I'm sorry. I know that I'm garbage)

"Y/N," you heard him say.

You spun your head around and looked at him. "Hi C/N," you said. "Your costume is great. I thought you were being a character from Star Wars?"

He smiled, and you could've sworn he was blushing. "Yeah....I only told you that because I wanted to surprise you."

Oh wow. You didn't think he cared that much to surprise you. Actually, you didn't think that anyone would have really cared that much.

"I knew that you really liked Hamilton, and Y/B/F told me that you two and your sister were  going to be the Schuyler sisters for Halloween, so I did a bit of research and then told you I was going to be a character from Star Wars, when I was actually planning on being Alexander Hamilton." He explained everything.

"That's really sweet of you," you said. 

He smirked. "So, are you 'helpless' for me?"

Your faced turned redder than a tomato. "Yes," you said to him. "Definitely." A smile spread across your face. He referenced a song from the musical. He must have done a lot of research. (A/N: 'Helpless' is a song from the musical where Eliza sings about how she is falling in love with Alexander).

"Good," he said. "Because I'm helpless for you too.'

You smiled at him again. You didn't think that anyone would do this for you. But here was C/N, your crush, dressing as a Hamilton character and lying about it to surprise you, while also making a reference to one of the songs.

"I've seen how you and  your friends belt out the lyrics to the songs at lunch," he started. "And I know other people find it weird, but I find it really cute. It shows me that you aren't afraid to hide your personality and you don't care what others think of you."

"Thank you," you said. God, he was the sweetest. But he wasn't done yet.

"But I hope you care about the fact that I've fallen in love with you. The way you act around your friends, your kind and selfless personality, when you try to talk to me but you're too shy, and in class when you raise your hand for once to answer a question and answer with your beautiful voice." (Ahaha. My crush would never say that to me. But here, everything is imaginary, so whatever!)

"Aww, C/N," you said. "I've fallen in love with you too, and with everything about you. Your eyes, your smile, your voice, your personality, everything, and it means the world to me that we both feel the same way about each other. It's a real life fantasy."

"But this fantasy isn't a fantasy anymore," he said. "It's reality."

You smiled at him for the millionth time.

"So, Y/N, would you do me the honor of being the Eliza to my Hamilton? In other words, being my girlfriend?"

You laughed. "Yes, C/N. I will."

He smiled a way you've never seen him smile before, and before you could figure out what was happening, he kissed you on the lips.

The kiss lasted about five seconds before he pulled away and looked at you. You smiled at  each other and then went your separate ways.

You smiled to yourself. Halloween just got a thousand times better.

Okay. I'm sorry I got this up late. I had literally no time to upload on Tuesday, because I was finishing up the prep for my costume and had a crap ton of homework, Wednesday (Halloween), I was out with my friends, and on Thursday I also had a crap ton of homework and a band concert, giving me no time to upload a chapter on Wattpad. So, I deeply apologize for not uploading when I said I would, but I do hope you enjoyed this imagine. See you next time!

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