The Heavy Set Girl And The Jock (Request)

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A/N: This was a requested imagine, which I am super happy to be working on. In this imagine, the reader is a little heavier set (I know that not everyone has that type of body, but these are imagines, so just pretend, because that's what they're all about) and doesn't think that the school jock (C/N) will notice her because they never talk to each other. I tried my best to follow this request, so please tell me if I did a good job or not, and give me some feedback! 

I apologize for my not creative title.


nothing new here today


The weather had just started to break, meaning more and more people were starting to wear shorts and t-shirts, including you. You were a little more heavier set than a lot of the other girls at your school, but that didn't stop you from wearing what you wanted to wear. If people wanted to judge you, then they could, but you weren't going to let it stop you from doing what you want to do. 

The bell had just rung, signaling the end of class, and the hallways soon became flooded with students heading to their lockers to grab their lunches. A lot of students would eat their lunch outside in the courtyard when it got warmer, including yourself and your friends, so you quickly stopped at Y/B/F's locker and told her to meet you in the courtyard for lunch.

You were on your way to the courtyard, and suddenly remembered that if other students were going to start eating lunch their, then that meant that the school jocks would be there too.

Most of them were complete idiots, but there was one by the name of C/N who actually seemed like a good person to hang around with. His friends were a little idiotic, you had to admit. The only thing they ever really tried at was sports, and maybe their grades too. If an athlete's grades were too low, they would be kicked off of the team they were on, so you could say that they focused on their grades just enough so that they wouldn't be kicked off of the team(s) they were on. His friends did a lot of stupid crap, whether it be in or outside of school. For instance, one of them tried to back flip off of the bleachers by the football field and ended up in the hospital with a few broken bones and a concussion. They were also popular with the ladies, considering they were more good looking than a lot of the guys at school, but they had a new girlfriend every two to three weeks. 

C/N, on the other hand, was a bit different. Yes, he is amazing at sports and he's really passionate about it, and yes, he's extremely good looking, but he cares about his grades a lot more than others, always making sure his GPA (grade point average) was at a 95 or higher. He'd had a few girlfriends, but if he'd ever broken up with them, they were the ones who'd initiated it. He'd always get over it quickly, though. So far, you hadn't seen him do anything stupid, even if his friends did. He always told them that he wasn't going to do it because he knew better, but if they wanted to, they could, and if they ended up worse off than they were before, it was their own fault because they'd wanted to do it in the first place. 

You weren't much of a sporty person, more of an artist. (A/N: Even if you suck at art, just pretend you don't.)

You made your way into the courtyard, immediately noticing C/N and his friends, but tried not to pay too much attention to them, even though you had a wicked crush on C/N. They were teasing him like crazy, which was something unusual, and he was blushing too. His friends almost never teased him, and as far as you knew, he never blushed at anything. 

You found a shady spot under a tree and sat down, setting your lunch down beside you, taking out a pencil, and opening your sketchbook to a clean page. 

You sat there, peacefully drawing and eating until Y/B/F came and sat down beside you a few minutes later. You put your sketchbook away and went to talk to her, but you didn't notice the boy who came over from behind you and tapped you on the shoulder.

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