Waving Through A Window

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A/N: This time, it's inspired by Dear Evan Hansen, which doesn't belong to me, and also a couple of repeated personal experiences. So here we go:


Nothing new today folks.

You walked out of school. It was your third day, and you were kind of excited for the year, but also kind of not. You got to see some of your friends again, who you normally didn't see outside of school, and also met a couple of new people who you've discovered you really like hanging out with as much as your other friends. There's also a ton of new students in your grade, and you've managed to talk to them a couple of times without letting too much of your social awkwardness come through, although a tiny little bit had done exactly that.

You had a friend or someone you could talk to in most of your classes, and you were happy about that. You wouldn't be that lonely, but there were also some of your friends who had no classes with you at all, and the only time you would be able to see them would be in the halls or at a club after school, and possibly before school. 

You pulled out your phone, and quickly checked the temperature. It was about 95 degrees Fahrenheit, in September. You groaned. Now that it was summer, you were sick of the summer weather, and you were ready for the chilly fall weather, pumpkin spice everything, and Halloween of course. You had already planned on doing a group costume with two of your friends and your sister. All four of you were going as characters from Hamilton: An American Musical.

You walked to your bus stop, and groaned again. Your bus wasn't there. You watched as people passed to walk and get on their buses, and soon, there were no more people walking around, except for some of the school officials who signaled the buses to leave. That left you and everyone else on your bus waiting for it to come, and you really didn't want to wait for such a long time in the heat.

One of the officials told everyone on your bus to stand on a platform-like structure next to the school by the area you waited for your bus in the afternoon, and watched the rest of them leave the school, waving to your friends and random people for the fun of it. 

As the buses past, you saw some of your friends, and waved to them. The rest of the kids waiting on the platform with you started waving too, either at any of their other friends on any of the other buses, or just because everyone else was doing it. That's what happens when you get to middle school. Everyone trying to do the same thing and fit it, not wanting to be different from everyone else and not wanting to be their own unique self. Personally, you liked waving to people, and you weren't doing it to fit in. You were doing it because you enjoyed it, and you liked to do weird things to make your friends laugh.

The buses continued to pass by the platform you were standing on, and everyone on your bus continued to wave at the other kids on the other buses. The numbers were getting higher, and  you knew that almost all of them had left.

F/N's bus passed, and you waved at each other and exchanged weird looks that always made the two of you laughed. Y/B/F didn't take the bus in the afternoon. She was picked up by her mom or dad after school ended each day, unless she had to stay after school for something, which was quite a lot, so you didn't see her on any of the buses.

A few more buses later, you noticed a familiar face staring in your general direction, and you got the same feeling you did whenever you were jump scared when you realized that person staring in your general direction was C/N.

C/N wasn't in any of your classes, but the two of you had lunch at the same time, so you saw him then, and occasionally saw him in the hallways, depending on the class. F/N had a class with him though, and both of you really wish that you could be in the same class or switch places. 

You quickly waved to him, using more confidence than you had in your body to do it. To your surprise, he waved back at you, and you could have sworn that he was smiling too. It made you happy, and instantly gave you that feeling of uncontrollable happiness that you got whenever he even texted you back. Every little thing that he did that was directed towards you made you feel like the happiest person on Earth. And that didn't happen very often, so it felt better.

Your bus finally made it to the school, and you were able to go home. You sat by the window with your earbuds in, that feeling of happiness still there. You were proud of yourself for getting the courage to wave to him to say the least, since it took a lot of your confidence to even go remotely near him. 

You realized that tomorrow, you actually want your bus to be late.

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