School Dance Confession

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A/N: I couldn't come up with any ideas, so I decided to do a cliched school dance imagine. In this one, the reader's school is having a school dance to fund raise, and she hears that C/N is going, and he's going to be asking a girl. C/N is popular in this one, so if he isn't popular irl, just pretend that he is.


P/G/N: Popular girl's name


Your school was fundraising for a local cancer research hospital. Instead of a bake sale or something like that, the school decided to have a dance instead, charging everyone who wanted to go $5.00 for a ticket for themselves.

You and Y/B/F definitely planned on going, to have fun, if you could even consider it fun, but you were also going for another reason, which was more of the reason you wanted to go.

Apparently, C/N was going to the dance, and from the little bits and pieces you heard from his friends' conversations that you totally didn't eavesdrop on, he was going to ask someone.

This got your hopes up a little, but you were almost 100% sure that whoever he was going to ask, it wasn't going to be you. He was popular, and you were more of a really strange person that almost no one wanted to be friends with. You didn't know how Y/B/F had come to be your best friend, but you knew it was definitely a miracle. He was probably going to ask P/G/N, the girl it's been rumored that he has a crush on, but as far as you knew, they were only rumors.

You and Y/B/F had already gotten your dresses. Yours was a dark blue, adorned with sequins near the top, with the sequins slowly thinning out towards the bottom of the dress. It had off the shoulder sleeves, and stopped just above your knee. Y/B/F's dress was made of a shimmery, bright red fabric, about the same length as yours. It had short sleeves made of a mesh-like material the same color as the rest of the dress.

Although dating wasn't your main focus at the moment, you still wanted to wear something you think C/N would notice you in. The only thing you could do at this moment, two and a half weeks away from the dance, was hope for the best.

-- time skip bc i'm lazy--

It was the day of the dance, and apparently, C/N hadn't asked anyone out. Maybe he'd changed his mind, and just wanted to spend time with his friends.

Y/B/F was currently at your house, the two of you helping each other get ready for the dance. You didn't do much with your hair, only fixing it so that it wasn't frizzy, it stayed out of your face, and, obviously, so it looked nice. Y/B/F wanted to go a little more extra, so you helped her put her hair into the best high-bun the world had ever seen. Both of you kept it simple with the makeup though, because you didn't want to look like you dumped half of the products at Sephora on top of your face.

Your shoes were simple heels, that matched the color of your dress perfectly. Y/B/F wore a pair of black, glittery flats.

In about an hour, both of you were ready to go.

"You ready?" Y/B/F asked as you buckled your seat belt in your mom's car.

"Yep," you said.

--time skip again bc i'm also lazy--

You and Y/B/F stepped into the gym, full of flashing lights, people, and loud music. You had to admit that the school actually put a decent amount of effort into the dance, but the music selection wasn't the greatest. 

Y/B/F pointed to a group of people in the corner, and you didn't realize why until you recognized them as the popular group, with C/N's face amidst the crowd.

You looked through the group, just to see if P/G/N was there, until C/N looked straight at you. Quickly, you turned away, blushing.

You heard Y/B/F squealing next to you, and she tapped on your shoulder.

"What is it?" you asked her.

"Look," she whispered, directing your head where she wanted you to look.

You saw that C/N was now longer standing with the group of popular people, but he was walking away from them.....and straight towards you.

"Crap," you whispered to yourself.

"You'll be fine," Y/B/F said. "Just act natural."

"How am I supposed to act natural when my version of natural is a bunch of screaming, Hamilton references, and me singing Hamilton at the top of my lungs?" you asked.

"You got me on that one," she said. "Just pretend like you don't notice him."

You went along with what Y/B/F told you, but you could still see him out of the corner of your eye, definitely walking towards you.

You pretended to talk to Y/B/F about something, until you felt a tap on your shoulder.

You looked, and there was C/N.

"Hi C/N," you said, trying to hide the nervousness in your voice.

"Hi Y/N," he said, smirking at you. He looked at Y/B/F and asked her, "Do you mind if I borrow her for a moment?"

She smiled. "She's yours." C/N led you away from your best friend, and off to a different part of the school.

After a minute or two of walking, you reached the school's courtyard and sat outside on one of the benches, the warm early September air giving off an aura of calm. (A/N: I know it's December, but I'm just pretending it isn't lol) He led you over to one of the benches and sat down, motioning for you to sit next to him, and did.

"Why did you bring me here?" you asked him, confused at why he would take you here of all places.

He smiled. "Because I have something to tell you."

You smiled back. "Okay. Tell me when you're ready."

He took a deep breath, and you could tell that for some reason, he was nervous to say whatever he wanted to say to you. He wasn't his usual confident self.

"Y/N, I-I really like y-you," he said, stuttering. You'd never heard him stutter before, but it sounded kind of cute. You were also surprised at his confession. You always thought he liked P/G/N, not you.

"R-Really?" you asked, stunned.

"Yeah," he said quietly, his face turning a shade of red you've only seen on him. "It's okay if you don't return the feelings though."

You smiled at him. "Of course I return your feelings C/N," you said. "Why wouldn't I? You're the best guy I've met so far."

His face broke out into a huge grin, and faster than you could blink, he hugged you tightly. You hugged him back. He pulled away, and then looked at you.

"You have no idea how much this means to me Y/N," he said. He looked into your eyes, the contact making you slightly weak at the knees. "Be mine?" he asked.

You smiled widely at him. "Of course."

A/N: Okay. So I finally finished this one. I've been putting it off for a bit, and it's about time I published it. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!

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