Awkward Sleepover (Part 3)

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A/N: I don't know how one imagine ended up having three parts, with each part being as long as a regular imagine. I guess I just like to write stuff.


S/N: Ship name (for you and your crush. my friends made these for me and my crush, but he doesn't know lol.)

Here's the third and final part of this imagine:

  "Well, I guess that's enough sledding for one day," Y/B/F said. "Why don't we go back to my house and get some hot chocolate?"  

Everyone agreed to that, since your clothes were wet from the snow after you wiped out. But at least you got to hang out with C/N.

This time, you switched places with C/B/F, so you were sitting in the back with C/N. This time, the car ride back to Y/B/F's house was silent, and if there was conversation, it was usually whispering or talking quietly.

Once you all got back to Y/B/F's house, it was already dark out. Considering it was winter, and it got darker earlier.

You changed out of your wet clothes and into your onesie and extra t-shirt, and put your fuzzy socks on your feet, and put the wet clothes into a plastic bag Y/B/F gave you.

"Y/N, why don't you make the hot chocolate?" Y/B/F suggested. "You're really good at it and it tastes really good."

You ended up making the hot chocolate, and you were satisfied to know that everyone loved it.

Especially C/N.

"This is so good," C/N said, after downing his second mug of hot cocoa. You giggled. "First those cupcakes you and your friend made for your home economics presentation, and now this. You should be a baker and an author."

You smiled and accepted this compliment, remembering those other two compliments that he gave you throughout the school year so far.

As the night progressed, the four of you did a lot of things together. You drew, did karaoke, watched try not to laugh, tried to make everyone else laugh, played board games, played Truth or Dare, and watched a horror movie, which kept you clinging to C/N. He didn't mind it though. You thought he would be kind of annoyed by it, but he actually seemed to enjoy it. It was your first horror movie, so he couldn't blame you.

Soon enough, it was 10:30 at night, and everyone was tired.

"I just remembered that we never figured out sleeping arrangements!" Y/B/F realized. She sometimes forgot stuff, but you always forgave her. "Two people can sleep on the air mattress, and one person can go on each couch."

"I CALL DIBS ON A COUCH!" shouted C/B/F so loud, everyone on the street probably heard it.

You sat on the air mattress. "I'll sleep here with Y/B/F if she wants to."

Just then, C/N came over to you and lied down on the air mattress and put his head in your lap. "Y/N, can I sleep with your head in my lap?" he asked, with an innocent look in his eyes.

"Sure," you said with a smile. "I don't mind. I just need to lean against something so my back doesn't hurt."

"You can lean against me!" C/B/F offered, as a joke to mess with you and C/N, who looked just like a couple, even though you weren't.

"Shut up C/B/F she's mine!" C/N told him. C/B/F just started laughing, and so did Y/B/F.

"Can you get up for a second?" you asked C/N. "I just need to grab something, and maybe move the air mattress so I have something to lean against."

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