"Heartbroken, But Happy For You"

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A/N: Aaaaaand here I go again with the sad imagine.


G/N: Girl's name 

Y e E t

 It was official. They were official. C/N and G/N, were now officially a couple, and soon, became your school's cutest couple. It made you sick to your stomach, but you still remained happy for him. You knew that you weren't in control of his feelings, and he could break your heart if he wanted, even though he knew that you had a crush on him still. However, the two of you remained friends, but the conversations between you and him grew less frequent, and when they did happen, more awkward.

Going to school seemed more like a living hell than it already was, because it would mean that you had to see C/N and G/N with each other at lunch, laughing and talking, and periodically kissing each other. You wanted to hole yourself up in the bathroom and cry for the whole lunch period, but refrained from doing it. You didn't want to make your emotions too noticeable.

The only people who were able to see right past your wall were Y/B/F and F/N, who tried their best to cheer you up, and so far, there was little success, but it was helping. Y/B/F stated out loud that she had a strong urge to punch him in the face, but she kept herself from doing it, and restating to anyone else. As much as you wanted her to punch him in the face, and how much you wanted to as well, you kept the thought to yourself.

After a few weeks, the wall you had set up to block out your emotions had grown weaker, and they were starting to show through. More people took notice, and you knew you had to fix it before a certain someone saw it and decided to text you for once about it. He won't realize for a long time, you thought. He's too engrossed in his new girlfriend. He won't give me a second glance. Hell, he probably won't even give me a first.

Then, one day it finally happened. Right in the middle of lunch. You started crying, and coincidentally, he also happened to be looking straight at you.

You ignored everyone the rest of the day, and you were eager to get home. More eager than you'd ever been to get home from school. 

You went home, and immediately lied down on your bed after you dropped your backpack and took of your shoes and jacket. Thankfully, you weren't assigned any homework that night, so the time was yours to cry as you please. By now, everyone in your family knew well enough that if they heard you crying, it was best to leave you alone, but they didn't know why, and you refused to tell them.

After what felt like five minutes you spent crying, which had actually been more like an hour, you heard your phone go off. A feeling of dread washed over you. Someone had texted you, and didn't want to know who, but forced yourself to check your phone anyway.

C/N had texted you. That feeling of dread grew stronger, and with shaking hands, opened the message.

I saw you crying at lunch today. What happened?

You instantly freaked out. He'd seen it. He'd seen you cry. Hesitantly, you picked up your phone and texted him back.

It's nothing. Just a bit of emotional trauma from some stuff happening with my family right now.

It was a lie, and you knew it. But would he figure out?

Okay. If you ever want to talk about something, then just text me. As much as I'd want to know about what's happening with your family and why you're upset, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

You managed a small smile, something you hadn't been able to do for the past couple of weeks.

In the meantime, you know I got a girlfriend, right?

The smile faded, and soon, tears had blurred your vision and spilled over, slowly dripping down your cheeks.

Yeah. G/N right?

He texted back.

Yep. She's amazing.

Your waterfall of tears kept on flowing.

Well, she makes you happy. I see how you are when you're with her. You seem so much happier with her than with anyone else.

You sighed. It took a lot of courage for you to text him that. But it was true. You'd seen the way he acted around her, like she was the thing keeping him alive.

He texted back, and you were once again nervous to read it. But when you did this time, you didn't think that reading it was a good idea. 

How do you feel about my relationship with G/N?

Your stomach dropped down and endless pit of dread. How would you respond to this? You thought about it for a second, and then replied.

Heartbroken, but happy for you. You found someone you love, and no one can ever be her except for her. You've forgotten, but at least you're happy now.

You sent it, your hands trembling and tears still flowing, and waited for him to respond, something you wanted and didn't want at the same time.

What did I forget?

Your sadness became rage. You threw your phone across the room and screamed. Thankfully, the walls were thick, so no one would hear you. You screamed and yelled.

He kept texting you, although there was no reply.


Are you still there?

What did I forget?

Was it important?

How long ago did it happen?



You ignored it. He'd never realize that he'd forgotten you, because to him, you knew you weren't important. Yet he was important to you. You were heartbroken, but still happy for him.

Sorry for the depressing imagine, I just really enjoy writing these all of a sudden. I don't know why, but I just really enjoy writing these sad ones. Ahahaha I'm dying inside. See you soon!! 

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