Wont go Down Without a Fight

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"Marie,wake your lazy ass up! It is finally time for school!" Alice yelled from her room down the hall,

"I'm coming, just chill yourself." I grumbled to myself as I rolled myself out of bed, I felt better today. Not as depressed at yesterday, I grabbed my phone noticing there was a message on the screen making my phone light up. I looked at the screen and noticed it said boyfriend, I really need to change that but it kills me to. I slid the bar to unlock the lock screen; I pull up the text he sent. I'm shaking, I don't want to read it, I have to but I don't want to see what he says,

'My dearest Marie, good morning(: I hope you slept well, today is our first day back at school after holiday. I don't know if you want to see me or not but look outside your window (;'

I read silently to myself, I didn't understand what he meant.

Yawning I walked across my cold, wood floor. I walked over to my window and slowly opened up my long curtains revealing Ethan leaning up against his black motorcycle. His big, cute smile light up as he saw me standing in the frame of my depressing window, I couldn't help but smile back at him. I brought my hand up to my lips and felt that I was actually smiling. I grabbed my black, spiral bound notebook and my sharpie, I traced out the words 'Shower, be down in 20. Let yourself in downstairs' and held it up to the window, he nodded to let me know he understood. I heard my front door open, then slam closed I knew he was inside. I made my way down the hall way into my bathroom, I took off my big, oversized tee-shirt, and my boy shorts. I turned on the hot water as the steam began to rise to the ceiling, I put on my Pandora. I slowly stepped into the shower, the hot water covering my body it felt amazing.

I turned off the water as I grabbed my towel off my rack next to the tub; tucking it under my arm I wiped away the steam from my mirror. I saw my face and grimaced not liking the reflection, I grabbed my mound of clothes and made my way back down the cold wood floor back to my room. I was shocked when I opened my door to see Ethan sitting on my bed reading my journal,

"What?" I half whispered half squeaked,

"Marie, I didn't think you would be back so soon and when you came back I thought you would be dressed" he threw my journal onto my bed, he brought his hand up to his eyes and wiped away what I think were tears. I walked over to my walk in closed and closed my doors behind me so he couldn't see me. I dropped my towel as I skimmed through my clothes to find something to wear. I skimmed my hands across all my clothes; this was the first time I was going to get dressed in a while. I picked out my pink sparkly tank top, and skinny, ripped up jeans, "How far did you read?"

"I read far enough, Marie why didn't you tell me?" I'm happy I couldn't see his face; by the way it sounded he was really upset by what he found.

I walked out of my closet over to him and plopped myself down onto my bed next to him,

"I wasn't going to tell anybody, I left my journal at home for a reason" I said after a long sigh, I looked around my room trying not to meet his eyes. I looked over in the corner where I had thrown my picture of us, his eyes followed to where mine were. He slid off my bed and walked over picking up the shattered frame,

"I must have hurt you really bad' he walked back over and plopped down onto the bed looking down to the ground, bringing his hand up to the back of his neck running his fingers through his hair. I stood up and went over to him and pulled his chin up, I positioned myself at the end of his knees,

"Yeah, you cheated on me. But my past is in the past, what you've done is in the past" I comforted him. Sure I have scars and struggle on a day to day basis to eat enough food but I'm progressing, I'm doing well. I placed my hands on his shoulders, still standing in front of him. He brought my wrist down, slid down my multiple colored bracelets, and gazed down upon the scars,

"Marie" he whispered, tears starting to fill his eyes. He leaned down and kissed my wrist, I started to feel tears rushing to my eyes blurring my vision,

"Ethan, I didn't want to cry before school" I cried to him, he stood up and took me into his arms,

"Marie, I'm so sorry this all happened to you. That fight was stupid, I can't even remember what it was about or why I yelled at such an amazing, perfect girl like you!" he confessed to me, tears flooding down his face,

"I remember why" I whispered with a slight laugh at the end not surprised he didn't remember, he pulled me away from his tight grip,

"What?" he semi whispered but the end was cut off when his voice cracked,

"I remember, you came home from a party I didn't want to go to. I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home, you busted into my room and came over to me. You said something like you were mad that your mum kicked you out or something, I had to agree with her. You got so mad at me for saying that, I just sat on my bed holding back tears as you marched around yelling at me. You had a lot to drink that night, after you finished yelling at me you told me I'm worthless and then left" I couldn't finish my sentence I started crying even harder, I covered up my face with my hands trying to hide the tears. Ethan took me into his arms again; he didn't say anything though,

"Ethan, we need to get to school" I advised,

"Marie, no. I can't now, you aren't worthless, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so sorry I did that to you, I hardly remember that night" he said, wiping the tears off his face,

"You know this is the first time I've cried in front of a girl right?" I laughed at his comment,

"If you tell the guys, I'm gonna be pissed" we both laughed, he hugged me again,

"Believe me when I say this,  Marie, you are the most amazing, perfect, beautiful girl I have ever met in my whole entire life. I will make everything up to you, I just want you to take me back!" he is so mushy, but I love it. I slid my hands off his neck, down his arms, and intertwined our fingers together,

"Come on Ethan, we need to get to school" I winked at him as we walked out the door. He followed close behind me down the stairs; Alice gave us looks as we walked out our red front door. I stepped outside into the gorgeous summer air, taking in a deep breath. I looked around at the flowers on the trees getting ready to fall off. Looking up at the sky, the beautiful sunshine beating down on my skin,

"I need a tan" I mumbled to myself not thinking Ethan would hear,

"You are so random Elizabeth Marie" he laughed to himself, oh yeah I should have mentioned my name is Elizabeth, but I don't like it very much. When I met Ethan he decided to call me by my middle name, Marie. I like it so much better,

"Well I would be tan if I could have gotten out, but since you broke my heart I've been in bed for the past couple weeks!" I jokingly teased him, elbowing him in the side. He didn't take it as a joke, he just kind of sighed and kept walking,

"You really need to get another helmet Ethan Jonah!" he calls me by my two names, I can do the same to him. He shrugged as he passed me his all blacked out helmet; I smile at him and grab it. He slides on; I slide right behind him wrapping my arms around his fit body. I feel his abs through his shirt; I smile to myself,

"Enjoying them? Betcha missed them" I could tell he was smiling by the way he said that. I gripped him tighter as he started the bike up,

"Ready? It's been a while since you've ridden with me" he said flexing his abs, knowing I was feeling them. I nod to him and we are on our way to our first day of our senior year!

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