Chapter 2

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I'd never been a fan of Kamikaze shots but free booze is free booze. The shots kept coming. Compliments of the man at the end of the bar, according to the waitress who brought them to me. My cash flow was low so they were welcome, and this could be a long couple of hours. I smiled and nodded at the guy. He grinned back. He wasn't bad, kind of cute actually. Any other time I might have been interested, but right then, I was wiped from the seven hour flight, and not in the mood. Not even for a quickie. I'd play the game and take his name and number, though I knew I'd never call him.

Having just arrived in Massachusetts, Los Angeles was already calling me back. Too many memories here and I didn't want to remember. I'd do the grave tomorrow then hang with Jules – maybe she'd want to come out to L.A.? I decided I'd ask her to come back with me, but right then I wondered if she'd give me the keys to her pad so I could go crash. Exhaustion and alcohol didn't mix.

I stood up from my perch at the bar and glanced around, trying to spot my tall fiery-haired friend. Instead, I spied my old boyfriend, Danny, on the dance floor. The pang in my heart for the old days hit me harder than I thought. He hadn't changed a bit, just as adorable as ever. I shot the last Kamikaze mixture I had straight down. It burned. As did I when I saw an old friend begin doing the bump and grind, while she kissed Danny. Girl code alert. How dare she? That slut. I hadn't been gone that long. Jesus H. Christ! I glowered at the rat bastard and skank.

Michelle slept around, had since she was fourteen, it was no secret. Jules lost her virginity at sixteen. I was the only one who held out. It never mattered to me what either of them got up to, Jules and Michelle were my friends. They knew me BTA, before-the-accident. Friends forever, that's what we said before cutting our hands and sharing blood to become sisters. When my family di...left, Michelle and Jules stood on either side of me at the funeral, holding me up.

"Goddamn back-stabbing bitch."

"Easy girl."

I turned and looked into Jules' eyes then pointed in their direction. "What the hell is that?"

"That's a skank of great proportions. When I heard tell what Michelle and him were doing, I went and kicked the shit out of her for you. He's just a pig's ass!"

I turned back staring at my ex-boyfriend and now ex-friend. An immense urge to march over and slap both of them into next week, overtook me. Jules held my arm and yelled into my ear.

"They aren't worth it. Pay them no mind. You're better than them."

"I need to get outta here. You still in the same apartment?"

"Yeah. Why? Ya wanna meet me there later?"

"Think so. I can't deal with them right now." Michelle and Danny. Together. I let out a rush of air to release my frustration. "I need air. Can I have the keys?"

"Wait here, I've got to get my bag. And, don't do anything you'll regret. Besides, I have a little something for you." Jules winked. "I think it might help take the edge off."

She had my back and I smiled. I could always count on her. Right from the very first day we became friends. Jules moved in across the street from me when she was five. Bobby, the jerk next door, began picking on her the moment he saw her. Making fun of the way she talked. It was mean and he made her cry. I remembered that day...

~ ~ ~

The new kid from across the street sat on the ground crying. Her blonde pig-tails uneven, face dirty, and her knees bloodied from scraping the asphalt.

"Bobby Jenkins, you leave her alone," I yelled.

"What are you going to do about it, shrimpo?" He asked with a quick snort. "She's a red-neck. My parents said her family were just no good Southerners. Listen to the way the hick talks."

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