Chapter 19

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The first-class flight to Tennessee was direct, on-time, and arrived way too early in the morning. True to his word, Greg had a limo waiting at the airport to take us to the ultra-swank, Peabody hotel. I couldn't wait to see and hear the band again. First and foremost I'd always been a fan of the band, and the thought of new music, well, I was on pins and needles. Robyn and I were getting an advance listen of Hullabaloo, possibly tonight. Greg wanted me to review and write a small blurb to go with it. Robyn and I were ecstatic and couldn't wait to listen. Chris may be a total dick, but when he was sober the man could make serious musical magic.

"So, um, what exactly did you do to get us such VIP treatment?" A grin tugged at my lips as I poured the champagne left for us here in the limo and began mixing it with orange juice from another container. I stole a glance at Robyn.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She giggled.

"Well then. Ooh-la-la-la. Cheers my friend, or rather, bottoms up."

Robyn laughed, it was infectious. Still, I wished her sparkle of enthusiasm would rub off on me. Greg had called at the last minute and, instead of flying to the city of angels, we went to Memphis. The memories of my previous visit ran rampant through my mind, especially when we drove by the all too familiar Holiday Inn.

Unconsciously, I touched the side of my face, my fingers sliding softly across my cheek where the ache still sat deep in the bone. Chris's accent, slurred by booze and heated by anger barreled itself into my memory, as did the Arctic stare that made my blood freeze. That look, it promised a fist... A gentle hand on my shoulder made me jump.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Memories." I took a deep breath and gave a small smile to my friend.

"We can go back home any time. You just say the word."

"No. I have to face this and him, then I can move on. It's just the memories. They're painful and beautiful all at once." I stared out the window watching the city go by in a blur. "I wish we were starting in Los Angeles. I know L.A., Memphis was brief and ugly. But..." I turned and grinned, wanting to bury that subject. "I hear we're having a barbeque at James' house to kick off the album and tour. Can't wait to meet his family finally."

"Honey, not to burst your bubble, but in order for this to work, you're not supposed to know him or anything about them, remember?" Robyn pursed her lips. "Course, I think they're gonna know who you are the moment they see you. I mean I know you groovily changed your hair color and had your nose done, but if they knew you as well as you say, it won't take long for them to figure out who you are. I mean Julie hadn't seen you in forever and she spotted you in the grocers."

I chewed on a fingernail then stopped. The thought of returning to the group set me on edge. Being around Chris again and even James was enough to make my knees knock and heart jackhammer, though for completely different reasons – fear and love. I had to do this though. Glancing at Robyn I wondered if she'd stay with me. Maybe I shouldn't do this? Am I crazy? This was nuts. "I have to ask you a question. Will you be staying with Greg, or bunking in with me? I mean if you two have a thing, I don't want to upset that or anything but..."

"Greg and I can work something out. I'm not going to leave you alone, don't you fret none."

"Cool. And as far as them figuring out who I am, I can't worry about it. If they do we can always go to plan B." Robyn raised a brow and tilted her head at me.

"We have a plan B? Righteous! What is it?"

I shrugged and grinned. "Dunno. Was hoping you'd know."

"Shit! Jess, I'm not good at plan B's. Now plan D, I can do that."

It was my turn to quirk a brow. "What's plan D?"

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