Chapter 3

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I awoke to slamming doors and pots and pans being knocked about; the clanging ruckus caused me to wince with every sharp sound. My head was a bongo and someone decided playtime was now. I tried to rise from the couch, but the room began to spin. Lying back down, I turned on my side and pulled the worn afghan from the back of the couch down over my body. I covered my ear with the throw pillow. If I hid, maybe whoever made the ungodly racket would go away. Or die. Short-lived thought. For a few moments, there was peace and quiet, then loud banging took up over my head. Instantaneously I bolted off the couch and fell to the floor. When I looked up a ray of light pierced my eyes, I cringed in pain and shielded my whole face with my hands as I turned away. I stood and glared daggers through slitted eyes at the person in front of me. Before I could say a word, she rounded on me.

"Who the hell are you? I s'pose another one of Jules' charity cases, right? You do know she won't be up for quite a while? So here's some news for you, the door's right over there. Collect your shit and get the fuck out."

My head hurt and the last thing I wanted or needed was a fight in this hung-over state especially without any coffee in me, but if this bitch wanted one. "Mmm, no, don't think so."

"Excuse me?"

"No excuse for being a fucktard." I made my way to the kitchen. My stomach was rolling. "What the fuck is your issue?"

"Fucktard? My issue! Why you have some nerve."

"Yeah! And you're stepping on the last one." Why the hell did this chick have to be so damn loud and have a voice that sounded worse than a cat in heat? My eyes registered the clock on the stove and I blinked twice. Six-thirty! AM! Did people really get up at this time? Hell, Jules and I just went to sleep three hours ago. No wonder I felt like a herd of horses just galloped over me. I found the sink and turned the water on. I splashed some water on my face, which did nothing to help my churning stomach. If anything it intensified my wanting to heave. I propped my arm on the counter and leaned my head into my hand. I kept one hand in the cool water. I could hear the bitch behind me, tapping her foot on the floor.

"Could you be any more annoying?" I heard her muttering under her breath and then the clickety-clack of her high-heeled shoes as she turned and walked away.

"Julie. Julie Bennigan!"

My head was about to explode from her screaming. Jules purposely chose this thing for a roommate? What an insufferable ass. When her voice travelled away down the hall, I turned off the water and made my way back to the living room. I closed the curtains, turning off Hell, then inched my way back to the sofa. My butt barely kissed the cushion when Jules and the monster came back out to the kitchen, yelling and screaming to beat the band. I held my ears with my hands. It didn't do much to drown them out.

"I told you when I moved in I didn't like waking up to strangers in the living room and you assured me you didn't bring people home. You said it was quiet here. Well, let me tell you something, you two were not quiet last night, laughing and squealing. You do realize not all of us have night jobs. I have to go to work now and the two of you kept me up."

"Well then why the hell didn't ya come out and say something."

Roomies must be scarce if Jules wanted this monster to stay. I watched as she-monster grabbed a brown paper lunch bag off the counter and stormed through the living room continuing her verbal ping pong match with Jules.

"Would've it done any good? This is the third time in a month. I don't think this arrangement is going to work out. I like this pad because it's so close to the ocean but I'm going to start looking for another place."

"Aw c'mon, Liz. I haven't see Jessie here in a while. Cut me some slack."

"I don't care how long it's been. Common courtesy. I'm outta here. I have to travel in-town and I'm flipping wiped, going to be a fucking glorious day at the office. Thanks. Thanks a bunch."

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